Me (18M) and She is (18F).

I’ve known her for 4 years and lately I’ve started to like her. We went on 2 dates, after each she said that we should definitely repeat, but after that we had no dates. We study together, and at school she often hugs me, laughs at stupid jokes, flirts with me, even invited me to go to prom with her. However, 1.5 months have passed since the last meeting, I offered her to go on dates 2-3 more times, but she refused, referring to family or some other circumstances. My question is, does she like me or not? And how to check this, because at school she flirts with me, and she refused to go on dates, referring to being busy. TY.

  1. >My question is, does she like me or not? And how to check this, because at school she flirts with me, and she refused to go on dates, referring to being busy. TY.

    If she likes you, she’ll make time for you and basically want to go on dates with you. This is basically the hot/cold situation. If she acts that way then basically take a step back and see if she get the hint.

  2. Fuck, Idk I had something similar happen to me once, dont be drunk if you guys are in the same party

  3. She might like you but might be putting you in the friend zone. The important thing is to not wait (unless you are in love or have really strong feelings) and find another girl. Good luck

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