If you do, what kind of wine you drink with what dish?

  1. Depends on the meal. If I do it’s usually pinot noir or sav blanc.

    However, I’m much more likely to get a beer, usually an IPA but it depends on what I’m eating.

  2. Daily? No. Some restaurants I go out to are byob and I’ll bring a dry/semi-dry red. If the restaurant isn’t byob I’ll get a beer or soda. (Or well I am heading to a Mexican restaurant for dinner tonight so a margarita.)

  3. I used to, when I drank. The type depended on what I was having to eat; sometimes I would have beer or a cocktail instead of wine.

    Some of my favorite pairings were Sauvignon Blanc with goat cheese, Cremant/Cava with fried food, off-dry Riesling with spicy Thai, Tannat or Priorat with anything fatty, and Zinfandel with barbecue. Cheap Spanish red mixed with Coke for kalimoxto with burgers at a cookout couldn’t be beat.

  4. I make homemade mead (honey wine) to drink and share or imported beer I prefer.

    Pork dishes go well with spiced honey wine.

    Beef dishes go better with Dos XX.

    Chicken depends on mood.

  5. I don’t drink alcohol so no. I drink water with lunch and dinner and coffee with breakfast.

  6. Depends.
    I usually prefer beer, but I do enjoy robust, dry red wines from the Mediterranean region whilst eating Italian or French cuisine.

  7. I like wine, but it often gives me headaches, as does most alcohol, so I try to only have it on every few months. I will have apple juice with breakfast, and water with lunch and dinner

  8. Rarely but a ‘table’ red was always available in the house I grew up in regardless of the food served for dinner. My father was Greek, no smoking, no drugs, but would have multiple glasses of wine and sometimes finish the bottle from late afternoon until midnight. He would do it daily. He lived to 93. Lol

  9. Nope. I usually drink water with my meals. On rare occasions, like at a nice restaurant, I’ll get a mixed drink, but I’m not a fan of wine.

  10. I prefer beer. I only really drink wine on a few holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, etc.).

  11. White wines for my white pasta sauce dishes and fish dishes

    Red wine for my beef, pork, or tomato-based pasta sauce dishes

    Beer if I’m eating a burger

    Usually though I just drink my dumb little flavored sparkling waters.

  12. Pretty regularly, though mostly at the instigation of somebody else. I’ve been on a booze moderation kick of late, and I’ve come to realize that I don’t actually enjoy wine all that much. I think I need to start declining more wine.

    I’ll take a pre-dinner cocktail over a with-dinner wine every day. And I’ll take a beer over wine 9 out of 10 times.

  13. Generally not. That’s generally a “for special events” type of thing.

    That said… when I do it It’s usually a red if I’m eating red meat, white if I’m eating poultry or fish.

    if it’s pasta, it depends. Marinara goes with red for me, but something like a carbonara or a basil pesto would be more of a white.

    More often when I drink with dinner I’ll have a soda, lemonade, or iced tea. (Note: American lemonade is non carbonated, unlike in Europe).

  14. Yes, if the food is good with it and it’s a Friday or Saturday night. I would never have wine with a burger, for instance, but I always have dry red wine with steak or spaghetti and meatballs, or a crisp white with fish or light pastas.

  15. I don’t drink much these days, but I never really cared for wine. Red wines always make me think of cranberry juice. You get a hint of flavor and then it makes your throat dry as fuck.

    If I’m gonna drink, give me something hard.

  16. Funny this question was asked on a day that I actually plan on having wine with dinner, but it happens only once a month or so.

  17. No, I feel like wine dulls my enjoyment of food and actually that food dulls my enjoyment of alcohol lol.

  18. Relatively often. Sometimes I’ll have beer. Sometimes I won’t have alcohol at dinner.

    I’m a wine nerd (and a generalist nerd), so I love finding good wine pairings with food.

    I’ve been really into Spanish reds recently. Monastrell grapes from Jumilla are nice, “goes with everything” reds. I’m a Malbec fan with roasted chicken, and a hearty Cabernet Sauvignon is great with roast beef or steak. I drink more white wine in the summer. Pinot grigio or Sauvignon Blanc are my go-to white wines. I like Chardonnay with creamy cheese. I also like dry rose (not a big sweet rose fan). I just had a really good dry French rose the other night with a pork chop.

    I say all of this, but we usually only open a bottle on the weekend. On weeknights, I more often drink box wine (Bota Box Nighthawk in the winter, Black Box Sauvignon Blanc in summer). Makes it easy to just have one glass and not worry about whether it will keep well until the next day, especially if my wife doesn’t want any.

    I also try not to spend more than $15 on a bottle unless it’s a special occasion. I aim for $8-11 usually.

  19. I drink wine a little more often than most Americans, on New Years I surprised a friend by guessing the kind of wine he gave me by taste, but even I rarely drink it with meals. It’s more a social drink, like most alcohol for me. So parties or gatherings.

    If I’m drinking wine with a meal, then I’m probably on a date with my girlfriend.

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