how to control the urge of texting your ex?

  1. Move on with your life. Either she is better off without you and you need to better yourself or you are better off without her and need to find something better to do with your time.

  2. It’s fairly easy. I remember she’s an evil, manipulative cunt who sucks the souls of all who interact with her and leaving her saved my life.

  3. Never dig in the trash, bro. Whatever you dig up will be something that was deserving of being thrown away in the first place.

  4. I just remember how she accused me of assault or how she stole her ex boyfriends dog etc. Then I don’t wanna text anymore.

  5. You just don’t lol.

    Its not like its the one true ring. Just put your damn phone down and do something else.

  6. I’ve been in this situation so I’ll give you some actual help because while “don’t” is correct, it doesn’t help. This is assuming your ex isn’t a total piece of shit who did horrible things to you.

    Type whatever you want in the notes app on your phone. You can put whatever you want, say whatever you want and there’s no send button. It can cathartic and if you’re scared someone could read it you can lock the note (if it’s an iphone, idk about others).

    If that’s still not working, deleting their number is probably the way to go. If something comes up, she’ll reach out to you. Reaching out to her won’t help you and it won’t change anything, trust me.

  7. Everytime you have this urge, write the text and instead of sending it to your ex, save it somewhere and go on doing something else.
    To write it down helps to get over this urge and you will feel better.

  8. Been with my wife 25 years, married 17.

    My last ex happened before I had a cell phone. Problem solved.

  9. Give a trusted friend, their contact info, and then delete it from your phone. Take yourself out of the equation. After enough time has passed and you feel like you still want to contact them and you’re in a healthy place where you think it could be productive ask for the contact info back.

  10. I set a rule for myself: I’m not allowed to text an ex until I no longer *want* to text an ex.

    Once I no longer want to, then I’m allowed to, because that means I’ve reached a point where I can be sure I’m doing it in a healthy and well-meaning way.

    But even then, I still don’t, because… I just don’t want to anymore. I’m over it. I’ve moved on.

    It sounds weird, but it works for me.

  11. Don’t, just don’t.

    My ex birthday is next Tuesday, and so was our anniversary.

    I have no urge to text her, she did me so fucking wrong towards the end of our relationship so why bother?

  12. As time goes by you feel less and less wanting to do it. So my answer as with usually questions like these is:

    Time and space

    Also just block their number and delete it.

  13. Anytime I think about contacting an ex, with the exception of my children’s mother while they were still minors, I shoot myself in the head.

    I have plenty of EXs and never shot myself. An ex is an ex and it stays that way.

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