(Question for any age)

  1. I’m only 22, but studying abroad. My first couple years of college were a shitshow, so my study abroad plans got jacked, but seeing all the photos from people who did it makes me sad tbh, I wish I got that experience

  2. Talking to a therapist while I had the free medical benefits to pay for it

    I also should’ve found a Rocky Horror show to go to before I lost the body to dress for it

  3. I wish I did the university experience. The fun part. The drinking and having fun with friends. Enjoying my youth. I was always very serious and focused on the education and professional part. Never had fun or prioritized friends.

  4. Getting all the tattoos and piercings I wanted when I was younger. I started but stopped. I’m too old now. I was so worried my career would flounder if I did what I wanted with my body – and today it’s like WHAT CAREER?!?! 😩

  5. Having sex, did it for the wrong reasons and now at 21 I wish I had never done it because I have anxiety about sex in the future
    Edit: i haven’t had arc since I was 18 and I don’t see myself ever having sex even tho I want to be intimate with someone, I just can’t imagine it

  6. Getting fit.

    I was always naturally slim and had no external impetus to exercise. Now I’m nearly 50 and trying to get in shape is _hard_. I’m still slim but not effortlessly; I’m losing flexibility, I’m losing muscle tone, I’m looking down the barrel of post-menopause osteoporosis, and it’s really easy to get injured. If I’d got fit and stayed fit when I was younger, I’d find maintaining it much easier now.

  7. Travel more! I’ve prob only been to 8 states and one foreign country a few times lol

  8. Travel. I’ve been to BC (Canada), but nowhere else internationally.

    I spent my whole 20’s working and let’s face it, there’s so much more than work. Now that I’m in my 30’s I feel an urgency to make up for lost time.

  9. • taking high school/college more seriously

    • doing whatever I wanted that my parents had a problem with because I wasn’t put on this earth to please them

    • having more self respect in relationships

    •saying no more

  10. Dating, getting married, having kids, traveling, not making friends in school, spending all my time in school studying and working, spending all my time after I was done with school working, not trying for a better career when I was younger, standing up to my mother, working on myself more, not losing my excess weight sooner, not getting into more hobbies when I was younger, not giving up alcohol sooner, not going into therapy earlier, not moving out of my parents’ place sooner, and probably some other things, but that’s all that immediately comes to mind.

  11. Should have left home much earlier. Things have been more peaceful without having to constantly walk on eggshells in a place I wasn’t valued.

  12. Not seeking out help for my anxiety and depression in my earlier teens.

    I didn’t start receiving professional help until I was 21-23 and feel as though I completely missed out on the fun late teens and early adulthood experiences (university, clubbing, parties, dating around, etc.) all my friends share.

  13. * Not saying yes in certain situations.
    * Not respecting my health as much as I should have.
    * Not trusting my instincts regarding people more.
    * Not saying no enough in many circumstances.
    * Not saving for the future.

  14. Waiting until I felt “ready” to do things. Some of us will never feel ready enough.

  15. I wish I’d gone on a lot more dates and had a lot more sex when I was younger.

  16. Wished I didn’t change my major when I first started school. I regret it until my junior/senior year and still do.

  17. Being too scared that my mother would find out and turning down all sex at university. Never had a hookup, never even a boyfriend or girlfriend. Internalized too much crap from my upbringing never to learn to enjoy sex.

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