My wife doesn’t like to have sex at night because she says it makes it hard for her to go to bed. Yet she will sometimes masturbate before bed.

Any ideas on why they are different?

  1. Just a wild guess here. I’d say masturbation is less sporty and will give her a guaranteed orgasm. I prefer it too at the moment. It’s fast ans easy and makes u tired

  2. I’m the same way, and sorry, I don’t know why. 🙃

    I try not to do either before bed, both lead to poor sleep, but sex is definitely worse for keeping me awake.

  3. Just my personal theory: it’s different because in partner sex I’m interacting with both my own erotic energy and someone else’s. When there’s intimacy and love involved on top of that? it is soooo energizing. Spins me the fuck up. I’ll sleep eventually but it def takes awhile.

    With Masturbation it’s just my own energy and I’m accustomed to it so it makes less of a ripple. Though generally I’d say that energizes me too, it’s subtle enough to where I can sleep as normal afterwards.

  4. My wife conks out completely from sex. Every night I put her to sleep with a very gentle spoon fuck. She’s snoring within 5 minutes and is out all night. We’re both dependent on it for good sleep.

  5. My wife gets energized after orgasm. I get her off fist the she goes crazy on me. When I’m done I want to cuddle. After 30 mins she gets up and cleans while I can’t fall asleep

  6. Personally I would be offended and hurt if my gf wanted to masturbate but said no to sex. It would definitely be something I’m motivated to resolve one way or another. My ex got to a point where she would rather have sex in the morning. I was typically half asleep as it takes me much longer to wake up. As a result I had a hard time reaching climax.

  7. My wife won’t drink caffeine or have sex after a certain time because she is super amped up after sex.

    Masturbation and sex (even if they both end in orgasm) are not the same thing.

  8. My wife gets super energetic after sex too. It definitely has the opposite effect on her as it does to me. It has a similar effect to a strong coffee on her. And usually she wants to go again.

    Masturbation is nothing like sex. Unless she is edging herself for hours then it is usually a quick and effective method to satisfy an itch that needs to be scratched, before heading off to sleep.

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