When socializing, i tend to talk like i’m whispering. I get anxious abt raising my voice, and my friends kept comlaining how i speak so quietly.

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  1. Someone conditioned you to talk quietly

    I don’t know who, but it was put inside your head that being loud is bad, or scary, or something negative.

    The ONLY way to break this habit is with force.

    You can start alone. No one is home? try YELLING as loud as you can. I bet that will be harder than you think.

    When you finally do it, notice how freeing it feels and hold onto that.

    Practice speaking using your full voice, don’t be scared, no one is going to hurt you for talking loud.

    The hard part is bringing it to the public because the fear is of you being loud around people.

    Pick your closest friend and just practice being louder with them, have fun with it, yell some profanities, and laugh. This will re-teach you that it is okay to have fun. No one will hurt you. You are safe.

    Just keep going, keep practicing, notice who it’s the hardest to talk around, and try to ask yourself why it’s harder with them. I’m guessing it’s probably your parents. Ask them why you aren’t allowed to talk loud? They will probably look at you COMPLETELY CONFUSED because they don’t even know they have caused you to feel that way. They will say you can talk loud. This gives you permission and acceptance.

    You just need to keep practicing and noticing how you feel. The problem is not with your voice, but with how you feel using it.

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