Whenever I go to some kind of spectator event, and I’m sitting next to a complete stranger, I don’t know if I should ask something like “Hi, whats your name?” Or some other kind of on-topic question.

On one hand, it feels awkward to be sitting next to someone for a couple hours without saying a word to each other.
On the other hand, maybe they don’t want to be bothered by a complete stranger.

What are the norms for these kinds of situations? Is it like being on the subway, where it’s weird to randomly engage with a stranger, or is it like being at a party, where it’s weird to not be talking?

  1. I put the ball in their court. You’re not talking, I’m not talking we’re here and paid to interact with whatever entertainment we’re there for.

    But if it’s early enough in the theater the lights are still on and the person next to me wants to make small talk and I’m alone or the people I’m with aren’t talking, hell yeah I’m gonna chat it up and be friendly.

  2. I can’t speak for everyone…but socially speaking, just randomly saying “hi what’s your name?” AT a movie, concert, or sports game – is awkward. Not like at a bar or club where people are there to be social…usually at movies/concerts/,games people are WITH other people, and/or there for a purpose…not to (make friends)

    Leave it up to THEM to start a convo – as that will give you an idea that they are comfortable with chatting or not.

  3. At a movie, no, people want quiet for that. Sports event, maybe.

    I don’t do anything formal like an introduction. What I’ll do is make some sort of interesting or enthusiastic comment, and shoot a glance at my neighbor while I say it. If they smile and/or respond, oftentimes a conversation will strike up. If they just sort of glance away quickly or don’t make eye contact at all, that means they don’t really want to engage.

    Heck, this even works for me in elevators and grocery stores. Toss out a friendly comment and see if anyone latches onto it!

  4. Honestly, if the other person came alone, i think you should. I often do to the theater alone, because i don’t have friend and meeting a new person would certainly be a plus ! I will not hide the fact that, I sometimes hope that a person, even in the bus, will try to talk to me

  5. Sports game yes, concert yet, movies no

    Don’t have to ask the name, just mention something about the sports event

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