Long story short, at the start of my first semester I went out of my way to talk to people a little even though I’m debilitatingly shy. But then I got “adopted” by a friend group of three so I stopped talking to other people entirely. The problem is, two of those friends stopped attending the courses so I’m always with the third person of the group (who is now my boyfriend) but I get anxious he’s gonna get tired of me when we’re always together and don’t have other friends there since I dont really consider myself a fun person.
But now the people in my class have already formed groups and it feels too late to get to know them. I also don’t really know anyones names and I feel like its weird to ask now. Plus I literally have no idea how to make friends. How do I even start a conversation? I really want to feel comfortable and included in my class. How do I go about this?

1 comment
  1. First, stop worrying he will leave you because you aren’t “fun” enough.

    Relationships only go two ways, marriage or breakup (and even then, most marriages don’t work now a days)

    So don’t dwell on it. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    Second, it is NEVER TOO LATE to make friends. Seriously, walk up to someone you think is cool, say “HI, my name is ___” most people will respond to you, if they don’t, you don’t want that person as a friend anyhow.

    Compliments are amazing ice breakers “I love your shirt!” Or “omg you look awesome today!” It doesn’t matter the gender, compliments make people feel accepted. And that’s what friendship is truly built upon. Accepting one another for who they are.

    Ask questions, you can even prepare them if you want beforehand. Things like
    “What do you do outside of class?”
    “Whats your favorite hobby?”
    “Favorite videogame? Movie? Band”

    Ask people questions and they will tell you who they are, after that it’s just deciding if YOU like them enough to want to start a conversation more often.

    It’s scary because you worry that people won’t like you, but everyone is worried about the same thing. If you put your hand out and show people “I like you, you are awesome” you will have more friends than you can imagine. Really.

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