When do you think in the dating process is best to ask if your potential partner has a similar sex drive to yourself? I’ve seen way too many relationships fail because this was not discussed.

  1. Pretty early on. I believe in trying to iron out as many deal breakers as possible early on so you don’t waste each other’s time.

  2. I think when you start to move beyond kissing. When you start to experiment with each other, find out what turns each other on. Then I think you have a talk about it to make sure you are near the same page, if not on it.

  3. As soon as possible i would say, after experiencing several mismatched libido situations i made it a topic for the first few dates.

  4. I’m not sure. I made sure my partners knew before we ever started dating, but, they still ended up being surprised at our incompatibility. It’s like they thought I wasn’t telling the truth or something.

  5. Okay so I just broke things off with a guy that jumped the gun on this. Although he made it creepy so it’s a little different. We dated a month and nothing remotely sexual happened between us but he randomly asked me a super sexual question and it was weird. I would say when things start heating up between you guys then I would go for it but I would hold back until something spicy happens so it’s relevant

  6. As a women, I like to discuss before meeting because it it’s someone I want to pursue, I will likely have sex on the first date. Good communication is everything when it come to dating!

  7. Maybe get to a point in the conversation where you’ve determined that it’s more likely than not the relationship will go there if you have your druthers. So get the vices/politics/family entanglements questions answered and if it’s still a possibility, seize the first reasonable opportunity. Maybe watch an appropriate movie (I mean romcom not porn lol) and use that as the icebreaker.

  8. I would say you don’t have Have this kind of conversation until after you’ve actually had sex with the person.

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