What is your favorite m&ms?

  1. My favorite M&Ms are the peanut ones, hands down! They have the perfect balance of crunchy and creamy, and that little bit of salty flavor just seals the deal.

  2. The one Tucker Carlson wants to fuck. Gotta be honest, I always wanted to fuck the green one too.

  3. I haven’t eaten this party food often enough to develope a “favourite” but if they’re on offer I’ll typically have one, they’re very crunchy.

  4. Did you hear about the blonde that got fired from quality control at the M&M factory ? She threw away every W she found .

  5. Peanut are the most addictive, dark chocolate next, regular, like the almond,peanit butter were okay, but the rest I never touch.

  6. Peanut butter M&Ms. They’re like Reese’s Pieces, except 100x better.

    2nd place goes to peanut M&Ms.

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