I’ve (22F) been invited to a birthday party! I think this is the first time I’ve been directly invited by the host to a party, ever. Right now I really only have one friend, who’s autistic and has social anxiety like me. I’m kind of out of touch with how I should be interacting. Any advice would be appreciated— especially specific advice like what do I say to the group of people once I enter the room, what are some generic but not-boring things I can bring up if there’s awkward silence ect.

For context: I met this girl on bumble friendship. We’ve had a few meaningful conversations about relationships (she’s in a really toxic one right now and I’m offering her lots of support) but other than that I really don’t know much about her. It will be a relatively small gathering, between 5 and 10 people, in an apartment. I also don’t know if I should be bringing a gift or not- do adults do that? If so I was thinking of dropping by Sephora and just getting her bum bum cream, if not I should at least not come empty handed so maybe a nice bottle of wine?

I’m honestly going to be really nervous and I’m not going to be able to avoid being awkward but I’m just hoping for some tips on interacting with people I don’t know.

1 comment
  1. Introductions are an easy way to fill time and buy time.

    When walking up to a group, take a deep breath and say, “HI, I’m (name)”

    Someone will say hi in return, and if no one responds, they are probably that weird close group that doesn’t let anyone else join, you don’t want those friends.

    Fill the time by asking everyone who they are, shake their hand and tell them it is nice to meet them.

    Usually the conversation will continue, you can find a common interest or something they said that makes you want to reply, DO IT the worst thing that can happen is you say something silly and you can all laugh about it. People are not laughing at you if you laugh with them. It is OKAY TO BE SILLY.

    or they might ask things about you, BE HONEST, don’t try to be cool, you can practice if you want by answering these question

    What are some of your interests?
    What do you like to do in your spare time?
    What’s your favorite TV show? Movie? Band?

    Be willing to start the conversation. Do you watch Netflix? What’s a new show on Netflix you are watching? Ask them if they’ve seen it. They haven’t? Tell them why you like it!

    People will decide whether they like you or not, and this is out of your control. So take pride in being yourself because so many people are fake and fighting to fit in.

    Have fun, and don’t worry too much. You are going to meet some wonderful people and some not so wonderful people. Such is life

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