so ive got 2 friends, friend A (F19), and friend B (F21) (relationship length of 2-3 years). whenever the three for us hang out in a voice chat, theyll always talk amongst themselves, and leave me out of their conversations. i try and contribute, but theyre always talking about something i have no idea about.

i used to ask things like “oh, what does that mean?” or “ohh, what’s that?” yknow? just trying to contribute as one does, but they leave me out so often im just tired of it.

ive told them multiple times that ive just straight up left because they act like im not even there. i always get a “we’re so sorry” in response, but theyll just go ahead and do it again anyways. their apologies are meaningless now.

what should i do? these are pretty much the only close friends i have nowadays.

TLDR: friends keep acting like i dont exist during conversations. any advice?

1 comment
  1. Are you a guy? Because that is a pretty common thing for girls to do if that’s the case. I wouldn’t take it too personally if so, though it’s probably a sign you’re not as close as you think.

    If you’re a girl however, we’ll that might be some sort of passive aggressive snub, or you just aren’t on the same friendship level. Some people can be very rude with that type of stuff and forget what it’s like to be excluded. They might not even fully realise.

    But it could also just be simply they don’t respect or like you that much, girl or guy or whatever.

    I recommend buying a fog horn and blasting it every time they do this to change their behaviour.

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