Whats the longest you have been without making love to your partner. And why

  1. 6 months. Lost desire for her. Did bare minimum only, about twice a year, just to keep marriage going.

  2. 12 months. She moved overseas for work and it took me a wee while to secure a position I could do remotely.

  3. Too long.

    She’s facing some serious health challenges and is immunocomprimised.

    Between her low energy levels and my young daughter being a germ factory (all elementary school kids are), we don’t get to spend much time together.

    So I’m REALLY looking forward to valentine’s day weekend.

  4. Not including time I was physically away from her? About a month, testicular surgery.

  5. Like a month. The times when we were both in the mood didn’t line up for a while. She’d always say no if I was in the mood and she wasn’t, but she wouldn’t communicate when she was in the mood, instead opting to stew in her sexual frustration hoping I’d just miraculously know to initiate. I thought she just wasn’t interested and stopped asking for a while until she came up to me and complained about how long it had been since we had sex.

  6. 3 months. Hard time for us both we talked about it and we are working on it. Its getting better 🙂

    And yes she encouraged my behaviour on this account. It even helps us!

  7. In 12 yrs or marriage maybe a week, I have been out of town working or we have been fighting but I can’t remember going longer than a week.

  8. It’s hard to say exactly, but I had s period of minimal sexual contact that lasted around five or six months in my previous relationship. The reason was that she had some in unresolved baggage relating to past life experiences and became thoroughly disinterested in sex (with anyone, not just with me).

    I’m not someone who maintains romantic interest to people I’m not having sex with, so ending the relationship was necessary. It was the only monogamous relationship I’ve had and s good example of why they can be difficult.

  9. Almost a year. While she was very pregnant and then when we were still dealing with an extremely demanding baby.

  10. 6 months-ish. Because he was “tired” and didn’t want to have sex.
    But masturbating on pr0n while i was horny in the another room of our flat was not a problem for him.

    We’ve been together for 16 years and we broke up 4 months ago.

  11. About 6 months. Last trimester of pregnancy and about 3 months after giving birth to our second child. She had a pretty bad tear during delivery, so that needed to heal. Then, having to set up a new routine with an additional child, it took awhile to fit sex into the rotation.

    All credit to my wife, she really got her body back in shape…

  12. 4 months before the breakup. She became cold, distanced, even more demanding and unforgiving. I still loved her, but couldn’t bear the coldness and lack of proper intimacy anymore.

  13. Just over 3 weeks when I went to Australia that long one time. That’s no sexor blowjobs. She had a leap at one point that meant no sex for like 6 or 8 weeks but that still included at least weekly blowjobs so not sure if that counts.

    Outside of those two in our 17 years together my wife never let’s it go past 3 or 4 days. She knows i need my woman.

  14. Over a year. She just didn’t want to be touched. Then she gave me the ol’ “just get it over with so you stop bitching.” Needless to say, I lost the desire. That was six years ago. It’s been rocky ever since. Now I’m the one who’s not interested. We haven’t gone a year again, but six months easily.

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