I’m 31 yo male, and I feel old. I feel to old to do things that I missed out on as a teen.

Never found a friend group. Never dated. Never wild out. Never hung out with friends. These are someo of many I feel I missed out on.

  1. Dude chill youre 31 aint to late for that but just sitting around complaining wont change your situation.

  2. Get therapy bro. At this age the Last thing you want to do is just keep trying and failing again. Focus on the root issue as to why you made it to 31 while being this way.

  3. Your 31, you literally have 40 or 50 years of life left. Find something that interests you and go do it. If you really like it, keep doing it. Find a way to meet people that also do the thing, and make friends with them. Troy some new things & repeat. Maybe one of those friends will turn into something more.

    It’s ok to not be a teenager anymore! Time doesn’t run backwards but that doesn’t mean you can’t do the things you want to right now.

    I got married and had children very young ( just out of highschool) so I didn’t do a lot of things my peers did. I am 49 now, and in the last four years I have done so many things! Kayaking, horseback riding, karaoke, camping, fishing, video games, kite flying, beach trips…the list goes on and on. Put yourself out here, take some risks, get out of your comfort zone. It is definitely possible

  4. First step is realizing it. Now your next step is going to be really freaking scary, but just keep going out there and exposing yourself to new things and people and before you know it you will have a wealth of experiences and memories, some good and some bad, that you can use to assist you in other facets of life and to cherish.
    Best of luck to you dawg

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