What age did you stop partying, going to music festivals etc?

  1. When I got sober. I realized I was consuming the creativity of others, and that the high I got from creating myself, was the epitome of existence.

  2. Took a break when I had kids. Now I’m 58 and would love to go out and no one my age is available or interested.

  3. I’m 30 and I’m pulling back now. The hangovers are rough and I can’t let myself lay in bed for a full day anymore

  4. Around 28 years old. I had a friend tell me I was drinking too much, so I decided to stop drinking for lent. Not drinking improved my life a lot, so I decided to stick with it. I will still have 3-4 drinks a year, but my partying until 2 am days are over.

  5. I got busy with more things in the morning. Saturday and Sunday mornings I had volleyball tournaments, early morning workouts, flag football games and things like that.

    Another factor is when you get older and you get home on a Friday or Saturday evening it’s very difficult to want to put clothes on and leave. Especially if you live in a colder state like myself.

    The only time I really feel like staying out is if I’m already out from doing something like bar crawls, attending a game or someone’s birthday. If those things end early and I’m already out I can stay out later and drink and stuff.

    But if I do to home, yea good luck getting me to go out again

  6. 28, am completely sober besides caffeine and prescription meds (for ADHD), and psychedelics (would never stop, been a net positive on my life). I would potentially go to Burning Man and maybe some good live music shows still. I’m 32.

    I used to party a ton, been to a few festivals, and a ton of live music shows. The issue for me is that most, including me, were attending to get fucked up, not to socialize or enjoy the music.

  7. 31M and just got back from Okeechobee, been going to 2 or 3 music fests a year since I was 22

    Past year I’ve stopped drinking completely and have really enjoyed that, recreational drug use with respect to my body is still a magical time

    Never lose that child like energy or stop exploring life

  8. I stopped at 35 because I realized that most of my friends had a drinking hobby that I didn’t enjoy being around. Partying is only fun when the people doing it have something else to offer, and unfortunately, a lot of the bar crowd doesn’t. Music festivals, on the other hand, are still awesome despite being super druggy.

  9. Didn’t, unless you’re talking boozing until you can’t remember and puking violently everywhere… that ended at 21, exactly the day I turned 21.

    Music festivals… never been, but still go to concerts. Just not “festivals” how I imagine you’re stating.

  10. 32 because COVID. But as soon as the clubs open again I’m gonna rave my ass off.

  11. 37 here. Still drink, still go to concerts. Music has been a huge part of my life. Drinking is more social, and it’s usually only a few beers. Only once in a while do I get really drunk. And it’s always when I have the next day off.

    Concerts? Beers all night to keep me dancing. I meet people at almost every concert I go to while dancing, singing along, and bonding over the artist and experience.

    I guess I don’t really party, just drink socially and I will never stop enjoying live music.

  12. Around Feb 5th 2020 😬 (in my early 30s now). I had stopped drinking in 2018 so I would say my “partying” phase ended at the end of summer 2018. But I still went to concerts and music festivals sober until the start of the pandemic. I would consider going to festivals again if there were mask mandates and cases were low, but it seems like places with low cases are dropping masks so it might be a while.

  13. i did not stop completely but almost.. i get the chance 1-2x/year to have a good party.
    -that includes having a bunch of friends available with the same mindset. at 40 its the most difficult part. yes yes, you can go alone.. but its lonesome at some point.

  14. I have never liked crowds or loud noises, and don’t drink, so I never did those things, even in my teens and 20s.

  15. I’m 60, and still going strong.

    Many believe that when you grow older, you grow more boring, dull, limited, lifeless, and stupid.

    If you like music festivals now, why do you think you will like them any less when you get older?

    “Yeah, I used to like having a blast over a multi-day period, with camping and hanging out and dancing all the time. But now, I just want to sit on the front porch.”


    Plan on remaining as cool, fun, interesting and interested as you are now, but with more experience under your belt.

  16. I’m 35 and two years of 2020 depression has put a serious change on my life. I’ve become sober and antisocial. I rarely ever go out but I look forward to music festivals coming back after covid (which, in Canada, never ends apparently). you can just stand around and enjoy the atmosphere

  17. About 29 when my son was born. I have a lot of fun in life but I don’t need any of that any more.

  18. Festivals are just too exhausting with all the kids going apeshit.
    But give me a good lined up techno weekender and I’ll not seldom be the last man standing.

  19. Depends on what kind of partying.

    Partying like back in college where you go to a sorority house and try to look dope to impress girls? Got childish at 21.

    Dinner parties where nobody really knows each other and everyone pretends life is all fun and positive? Got bored of that at 25.

    Now I define my own version of partying LOL

  20. The last festival thing I went to, I would have been late 20s.

    Honestly, the best thing about the festivals was the drugs and the hot babes in sexy clothes. I never much cared for the music or the dancing. I would dance, and can pretty well actually, but no matter how high I was, I was always self-consciously, reflexively watching myself, going, “You are just going through the motions and all you really want is a quiet nook and a good novel”.

    I have a friend who still tries to convince me (M44) to come to festivals during the summer, and while I appreciate the effort, and sometimes think about those deathbed regrets of what I didn’t do, I know that spending two or three nights sleeping on the ground in a tent in the heat with throbbing bass music and my sexual tension dialled up to 9, and a bunch of pretentious hippies … just *ugh*.

  21. Never stopped. Going to an arena concert in a few hours in fact! And then another concert on Monday and then SXSW after that.

    One of the best parts of being older is having the money to do all the shows that come around.

  22. I’ll never stop going to music festivals, BUT the key is to go to the right ones. A lot of the big ones are corporate greedfests designed to extract every dollar they can out of you, and the experience sucks as a result.

    I go every year to a much more community-oriented festival – you can bring your own food, the municipality provides free water, there’s a kid’s stage and craft parade, the food and beer is reasonably priced, and they don’t try to cram in more people than can fit the venue. It’s a completely different vibe from most festivals. They’ll never host the biggest acts, but there are lots of skilled musicians in the world who aren’t huge stars, and I find great new artists every year. Find festivals like that and you’ll have a great time.

    As for partying, I still get together with friends and have a few drinks here and there. I’d go to a house party if invited. There’s still a certain high that comes from being in a big social group, though I don’t seek it out as much as I used to.

  23. It’s not that I stopped partying and going to music festivals — it’s *how* I do it now.

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