I’m new to online dating and have been using tinder for a few weeks. What do people mean when they have something in their bio like “If I know you I’m swiping right”? Did they just make the account hoping to snag an acquaintances and start and interaction?
The second thing is as a guy I’m holding 99% of the conversation. Is that just the way I’m texting or is this a common thing? I don’t have anything written in my bio, so maybe that’s why nothing is asked in my direction. I figure Tinder is 100% looks based and no matter what I write it wouldn’t change if they’re attracted to me. That’s kinda the way I look at it anyway. If someone could help me out here I’m totally open to criticism because I have no idea what I’m doing.

  1. its normal. men are 75% of the profiles on dating apps so 75% are going after 25%. women get so many likes and matches that if you don’t text them constantly you will just disappear further down than other guys

  2. First of all, write something in your bio. Not every woman is on there to bang hot guys, despite Tinder’s reputation as a “hookup app.” Some of us are on there because we’re not willing to pay for a dating site. When I come across profiles with no bio, I tend to assume those guys are just looking for sex, so they weren’t willing to put on the effort. I swipe left on 95% of profiles with no bio. As far as carrying 99% of the conversation, it’s a common thing with OLD. There are just a LOT of people – men AND women – who don’t hold up their end of the conversation. Personally, when I run into men like that, I move on. I’m not interested in a relationship where I have to hold up the whole conversation alone.

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