What is something you did recently that caused you to feel guilty/bad?

  1. I gently moved my cat off my chest while she was sleeping because I wanted to sleep and she was crushing my lungs lol

  2. I’m a naturally sarcastic person, and I can come off as seeming rude to people who don’t really know me.

    Today, I was talking so someone who was being genuinely nice to me, and I made a sarcastic remark without even realizing. I didn’t find out until later that the person thought I was actually annoyed with them and was sorry about that. I’m such a jerk.

  3. Bickering with my mom. It’s just been a weird time in our relationship and we’ve been arguing more than normal I feel bad about arguing not about my points!

  4. My sister’s bf thought I was talking shit about him but I wasn’t talking about him at all. 🤷‍♀️ Damn language barriers.

  5. Shut the bathroom door before the dog got far enough down the hallway so I could have my morning wee in peace.

  6. Not attending a brunch to meet new people in a new city where I’m lonely because of my ego

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