As you have gotten older what have you appreciated more about your parents?

  1. I’m from Iraq , my mom had to go to work as an engineer in a literal warzone to support us ,she saw too many people die , and she almost died too many times herself only to get what’s barley enough to feed us ,all while still being an amazing mother teaching us morals and helping us study, reading us bedtime stories etc, what an amazing woman

    We never needed anything, we never begged for help , we never had to kiss someone’s ass to live ,my mom gave me a life where I live raising my head not letting anyone disrespect me to get money

    I also appreciate my dad killing himself with cigarettes what a pussy

  2. The amount that my dad worked, even if it meant not really being around much because his second job was a Saturday/Sunday thing.

  3. That they let me figure shit out the hard way and didn’t keep me sheltered. Learned a lot of life lessons young that people my age now have apparently never learned.

  4. That they agreed to a friend and maintained a friendship after the divorce. I lucked out in every way when my parents divorced. They simply realized that they were better at being friends than husband and wife, so they split. it made it easy for me to contact my dad and spend with him, as well as my mom. I effectively got all of the pros of divorced parents, but none of cons.

  5. To talk with them as adults. And my father, who is one of the few people I really love to have long conversations with became talkable after stopping being a workaholic at retirement

  6. Everything they’ve sacrificed for me, my dad was an immigrant and my mom was disabled. They did they best they could with what they had, and I had everything I needed.

  7. They really loved me. They’re both dead, but now that I’m getting up there in age, I see how much they sacrificed for their kids. I look back and doubt that I’d be able to do the same, so hats off to them. 14 year old me could never understand it, but if he could, he’d show a little more respect.

  8. My dad drove a truck for a living and was usually only home for the weekends. Never realized how difficult that might’ve been being on either of my parents side of that. Couldn’t imagine only seeing my daughters and/or wife two days a week.

  9. How they’ve always been there, been willing to talk or help me with anything, and always supported my decisions in their own way.

  10. My dad was very dedicated to his work. My mom was very supportive of my dad and helped him work.

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