Hey guys,

I was hoping for some advice here… My girlfriend really enjoys facials and I feel like she’s a little disappointed that I just dribble when I cum.

Besides the usual advice of drinking plenty of water, edging and abstaining from ejaculation for a couple of days, is there something I can do to shoot instead of dribble?

Has anyone ever tried to time voluntary contractions to help your body push the semen out with more pressure?

Thanks, everyone!

  1. So the amount is fine but it doesnt shoot enough? I never had this problem but guess training your pelvic floor could help 🙂 just google it. Also comes with benefits like better erections and more control.

  2. You can do Kegel and reverse-Kegel exercises to improve your shooting ability. It’s also possible to time your contractions with some practice. You want to conciously relax your pelvic floor right before you climax, and then give it a big strong flex when you feel the involuntary contractions coming on.

    No joke: I’ve hit the ceiling with this technique.

  3. You can press tightly at the base of your penis on the tube that the cum comes out when you start to cum to block it for a few seconds, then let go. Should help.

  4. So this might be a reach but practice edging. I come more whenever the sex lasts longer and I edge myself while inside my fiance. I do, pelvic exercises but when I didn’t do them I shot less. Now I can shoot up her body with no issues.

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