Humans are complex creatures. Of course, we’ll run into people with similar interests and beliefs around dating. But, for the most part, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to what men want from women or what women want from men (or what any gender wants from any gender 😊). Although, even being vastly different, the way men chose partners and the way women choose partners seems to be predictable, in a way. Is it true that men date to quality and women date to disqualify? That is the question. In many cases, even witnessing it first-hand, it seems that men are more forgiving when it comes to standards. Maybe it’s the double standard society places on men for having standards at all. Either way, men seem to date women that have a promiscuous past, spotty relationships, and even lacking in the looks department. When it comes to women, they seem to be much pickier when it comes to men and impossible to please. It seems like men can have a million reasons not to date a woman and find a reason to say yes, and a woman can have a million reasons to date a man and still have a reason to say no. I don’t fully believe in this concept, as I said, everyone is different. I just thought it might be something anyone had experienced or at least picked up on in a way. There are no right answers so, whatever your thoughts, leave them below.

  1. Men being more forgiving or having lower standards is something that i have only read about on reddit. Haven’t really personally experienced anything like that while dating.

  2. I think everyone inherently recognizes this pattern, how could you not? Guys seem to approach, and girls narrow down the list to effectively make a choice. Not saying roles can’t be reversed, but it doesn’t happen often. I’ve only been full on approached by a girl (name and number in hand) maybe 4 times. Some of my girl friends experience being approached daily.

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