because they said the loves me and that’s that.. I think they are being silly because they can have kids with another woman if they want.

They are a really good partner, but not ambitious (previously was ambitious), since changed. Did they change or were they always not ambitious? Not sure. Either way, I feel like I can’t keep pushing him to strive for more etc. I’m exhausted. Thanks for any advice.
Ps pls ask questions if you think this is too vague and I’ll answer.

  1. It’s okay as long as you recognize that there is no way for one of you to be happy without making the other one miserable. This would be a dealbreaker for me as shared goals are a requirement in my marriage.

  2. It sounds to me like you’re incompatible in a few very important ways. What does your future look like to you if you both have such different goals?

  3. I don’t know why you’d stay married if your goals are so out of alignment. Kids in particular, if you both feel strongly about your position someone will likely end up resenting the other.

  4. >They won’t say it’s a dealbreaker!

    They’re lying to themselves, lying to you, or both. And they are counting on you to change your mind or give in to the pressure eventually. If you doesn’t eventually leave you, you will eventually leave him for lack of ambition.

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