What makes a woman too clingy?

  1. When you won’t give space when desired. Men will tell you exactly what he means. No second guessing. We need alone time sometimes. Respect it.

  2. Getting out of a long committed relationship and kind of inserting you into that void. Hard to explain but you know when it happens.

  3. in my experience there are two types of women that are too clingy.

    – virgins
    – not virgins at all that want to get married as soon as possible with the first guy they meet

    clingy is not necessarily a bad thing btw

  4. It depends on the individual, but in general a woman may be considered too clingy if she expects too much of her partner, is overly possessive, or if she doesn’t give her partner enough space and independence. If she’s constantly checking up on her partner, demanding to know who they’re talking to and where they are, or if she’s always trying to control her partner’s behavior, that’s also a sign that she’s being too clingy. It’s important for both partners to have their own interests and time apart, so that the relationship is balanced and healthy.

  5. Clingy is normally an issue if it’s a repeated problem. It’s fine to want to do a lot together, it’s a problem if you can’t let the person do anything without you.

  6. Neediness and a focus on one self and one’s own needs to the exclusion of anyone else.

  7. Personally..I like clingy women. Or at least women that are very highly engaged.

    I had a good conversation with my girlfriend about relationship anxiety the other day. She told me she does have relationship anxiety, and we talked about how she felt. So…I just try to be a little more reassuring. I tell her she is important to me. We make an effort to see each other pretty often. We have a thing where sometimes we see each other, “just for a high-five”. Because even a 5 minute meeting is really good for her. (and me)

    If we go out on a Saturday night, we will have a great time. Sometimes things get busy during the week, and I can’t see her for a few days. After about the 3rd day it seems like the wheels fall off and she starts to get anxious.

    Is this clingy? I don’t know. She’s told me that she gets nervous when we don’t see each other, so I help as much as possible and make a good effort to see her. Is this controlling? Well, she really brings a whole lot to the table when we are together- great food, great sex. So that’s exactly the type of controlling situation I enjoy being in.

    In no way am I saying she is weak. (we are both about 50 years old) She just has something in her that makes her want to be clingy/engaged/together a lot. I like it.

  8. Needing an immediate response to text messages.

    I’m not ignoring you, I’m just busy ffs.

  9. If they always want to spend time with you and can’t let you just chill and get constantly molested on For Honor for a few hours

  10. In my experience, it’s when they start freaking out if they don’t hear from me enough early on. If I‘ve committed to someone, I don’t give a shit. Cling to me as much as you want, I’m in this bitch with you. But if we’ve been seeing each other for a couple of weeks and you get pissed if I don’t text you back one evening, it’s not gonna work out. Missing me is fine, maybe even nice. But being genuinely angry is a red flag.

  11. *Looks at watch*

    Yep it’s that time of the day for this question to be asked again on this subreddit.

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