I have a friend over from America and we’re trying to figure out where she can get money out here

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  2. I used my regular debit card all over the place in the USA, I’d imagine it would work the same the other way around but I don’t know anything about their card or bank account.

  3. Has she tried a cash machine, preferably of a major bank (Barclays, HSBC…) ?

    She will need a PIN for this. If she doesn’t have a PIN, options are thin.

  4. When I went to Poland, I was able to use any cash point. There is a charge, but it was quite small in my case, she’ll have to check her bank’s website as the charge varies.

    Also, in case you don’t know, she should be able to pay with card in shops no problem. I was told it was best to pay in PLN, as the Pound is stronger. Not sure what would be best for her as USD is weaker than the Pound

  5. Depending on their bank – they should able to just use ATMs/Cash machines. They might want to see what fees their bank charges.

  6. What has she tried already?

    Assuming it’s not a Discover card (Discover isn’t a thing over here) and it has a chip in it, then there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be usable anywhere a normal UK debit/credit card can be used.

  7. Last time I visited London from the States I had no problem getting it but the fees my bank charged were absurd.

  8. You want to look for ATMs that can be use with visa or mastercard. You may want to refer to your bank fees and the exchange rate as the ATM will use pound sterling rather than dollars.

  9. As a Brit I use Monzo. I don’t get charged for using it for purchases, and I can withdraw up to £200 per month from ATMs, etc. I load it up with cash before I travel.

    I believe US equivalents are outfits such as Atom Bank.

  10. If she hasn’t got a chip and pin card (know some American ones are still straight signature) can she go online and put some money into your account so you can draw it out for her?

  11. She may want to check with her Bank’s website to see they have any arrangements with foreign banks regarding using their ATM’s. For example Bank of America has a partnership arrangement with Barclays.

  12. Depends on the card.

    Most places accept Visa and Mastercard, a few accept American Express, there’s a handful of others that may or may not be accepted.

    It’s worth her contacting her card provider too for anything else she might need to be aware of (i.e. foreign transaction fees, whether she needs to notify the bank in advance that the card may be used abroad, etc.)

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