I feel like it’s a shaming tactic to get us to perform mundane and humiliating tasks, the term gets thrown around too often and to be quite frank it’s mostly used to Shane men into being more beta and pressuring us into performing traditional gender roles. How does the term a real man make you feel? Sorry if this is a loaded question.

  1. It’s a very selfish and immature viewpoint. I usually only see it from young people and very ignorant, under educated women who exist in a bubble. Just ignore them because there are plenty of women out there who love us through and through and wouldn’t seek to define us by what we can do for them.

  2. Yeah, there are lots of manipulative techniques people use. Don’t let them work.

  3. I don’t really care what someone thinks if they are trying to shame me just for being a man.

    I try and avoid those kinds of people.

  4. You should stop hanging out with people who try to shame you into performing humiliating tasks. Sounds like a waste of relationship to me.

  5. It’s just a form of manipulation. They think using the phrase will hurt your ego enough that you’ll do whatever they say just to be a “real man.”

  6. Because women can be toxic as well

    But you should be a real man and get over it

  7. They do it to control and manipulate.

    Same as when a man says “A real woman would…” to a woman.

  8. Form of guilt – shaming to get you to conform. Society & women view you thru the prism of providing something to them and when you don’t, they’ll guilt – shame you for it.

  9. To shame men for not doing whatever serves/conveniences them. Just ignore people like that. Be a good person, but don’t let assholes shame you into doing anything you don’t want to do.

  10. Isn’t this just the very definition of toxic masculinity? People are assholes, yea.

  11. Reddit makes me feel crazy for saying this, but I almost never hear the words “a real man” used in the real world to describe anything that would generally be considered not-okay.

    For example, the most common usages I can remember hearing have been something to the tune of “A real man would take care of his kids.” *Most* people are of the opinion that if you have kids you should take care of them, so it’s really not that controversial… and even then the context has always been gals helping one of their friends talk shit about her baby daddy, so even if it *is* inappropriate it’s really not the time or place to be like “Hey, you probably shouldn’t say that.”

    I know the go-to is something more like “A real man doesn’t show his feelings,” but I don’t think I’ve *ever* heard someone – male or female – say that in the real world.

    Probably the most offensive usage I’ve ever seen was an elementary-aged girl that was beating the shit out of my son and her younger brother with pillows while shouting “Fight like a real man,” and to be honest the entire situation was more hilarious than anything.

    Even when it’s used on Reddit as an insult or something, it’s weak as fuck… because someone sitting there and telling me “Real men vote Republican” is completely ineffective when I know that I do, in fact, have a swinging dick between my legs and I’m generally masculine as fuck in my behavior.

    I can’t think of a single instance where I’ve been on the negative side of an “A real man” statement in the real world, so I tend to agree with whatever is being said… and even if I don’t, it doesn’t apply to me – so my feelings would best be described as “indifferent.”

  12. to control you i guess. if i made a comment on a woman cooking video “a real woman” id be cancelled .

  13. It’s *always* an attempt to manipulate you to do something for someone else. It doesn’t matter if it’s a woman or a man who uses the “real man” bullshit.

  14. A real man would send me 20$. It would be such a miniscule amount he wouldnt even think twice. Your not a real man, are you?

  15. This phrase gets thrown around in woman’s groups a lot, it’s gross hearing things like “a real man would buy you dinner etc…”, when this phrase is used in my family it’s directed towards emotional support/physical affection “a real man wouldn’t hit you”, “a real man wouldn’t abandon the family for another woman” kind of stuff and they always gave the same standard for woman too “a real woman would listen to her man’s problems etc…” Is the phrase itself the issue or how people are using it to manipulate? I don’t use this phrase much but I’d like to know if I ought to stop saying it completely. I wouldn’t want to be accidently offending any of my friends whenever the topic of love comes up.

  16. That “Real Man” is like when men want to have sex with a “real woman” . Most people out there have unrealistic expectations and a sense of entitlement.

    That shit only exists in fantasy and porn, the rest of us are just people.

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