How do you get rid of a puffy face after crying?

  1. Cold washcloth on face if I’m in a hurry to go somewhere. Otherwise just ride it out.

    Edit: hope you’re doing alright, OP!!

  2. Get two bags of green tea- put ‘em in a cup & pour boiling water on top. Leave them in there to steep. Put this teabag mug in the fridge. Go have a Hot shower. Let your face get nice steamy. Let the hot water pound on your back. Take your time in there, use a favourite soap, wash your feet. Take your time. Then when you are out of hot water get out & dry off. Put on a big housecoat NOT A SHIRT YET! (It’s going to get drippy). Put on some relaxing & happy music. Now go in the kitchen and fish out your mug from the fridge. Take the two green tea bags out of the cold tea. Sit in a comfy spot (or even lay on your bed) and place the cold green teabags on your eyes. Just lay/sit there and let the teabags work their magic. Relax like this, just listening to the music for as long as you want. You can dab the teabags around your face if you like. (This is why you don’t want to be dressed yet, the bags drip). When you are bored: compost your teabags & drink your cold green tea. (Or just dump it out, it IS going to be super strong.)

  3. Put 2 tablespoons in the freezer for 5 minutes then apply them gently and in a circular motion wherever you are ready or puffy

  4. honestly ice on my face helps me or just splashing cold water on my face! 🙂

  5. Face mask in a freezer for five minutes then slap that on for ten and I’m good to go

  6. The coldest water you can get and a couple minutes to settle down if you have the time. The most reliable method imo

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