Hay, I’m 22 years old and I have a babyface. It makes me feel insecure and I believe I’m treated more like a child by my family. What can I do to look more manly?

  1. You act manly. Honestly women think the baby face is cute. Lean into it but act more mature.

  2. I grew a beard, started powerlifting and hiked a lot. Can’t grow a beard? Just go with the working out. The rest just comes from confidence and once you feel confident in your body, you act more confident.

  3. You don’t have to do anything. Your perception of self is just messed up from seeing 30 year olds play highschoolers all your life. You look like a 22 year old man ought to look, in modern society at least.

  4. Hey there, there are a few things you can do to look more manly. First, start hitting the gym. Building up some muscle will give you a more masculine shape and posture. Secondly, focus on your style. Invest in some clothes that make you stand out and that fit you well. Finally, start taking care of your facial hair. Even if it’s just a bit of stubble, it can make a huge difference in your look. Hope that helps!

  5. you can dress well— button ups and pants. maybe grow some facial hair (if it looks good). the most important thing is how you carry yourself. I did a few years in the army and I still look young.

    don’t worry about being treated young as a 22 year old. I was, and I had literally been in the army and had a degree haha. obviously it can suck at times, but men in their early 20s are perceived much differently than me in their late 20s

  6. Looks beyond clothing are difficult for instant change imo, it’s easier to change how you sound & the way you carry yourself/your demeanor

  7. It has more to do with the attitude and personality you have than your face. If you can grow a beard do it.

  8. Your family sees you that way because they have seen you grow up from a baby. You could try growing a beard but that won’t change their perception of you because it has been ingrained in them your whole life. I went through a similar situation at the same age.

  9. Work out and be confident. It doesn’t just happen. Takes time. Read and learn. Shit really does you good.

  10. Hitting the gym really helped me. Being more muscular makes you look more grown up. Also grow a beard if you can grow a good one

  11. Made my wife shave her mustache so I’m the only one in the family with hair on my face

  12. From one babyface to another. I am 35 and people think I am 26. Here is my advice. Get shredded, eat healthy and when you will be in your 30’s and still single you will swim in young women wanting to date you. Trust me i recently became single and my tinder is exploding with hot 22 to 26 year olds who want a more mature man.

  13. A couple horrible accidents that scar your face for life did the trick for me, but may try the “grow a beard and workout” advice the other people are giving first.

  14. Field dress a deer. Then wear its pelt all within distance of your family.

    Eat its liver in front of them.

  15. Let my beard grow in because I always used to shave it.. Lost some weight and workout more, and grew a back bone

  16. My wife is always surprised when I carry everything in one trip after going grocery shopping. That is normally possible unless we pick up something bulky like a case of toilet paper, or Kleenex. She’s always concerned that there’s some thing else in the car that needs to be brought in.

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