Just asking out of curiuosity since I’ve never been kissed before.

  1. Not something I’d ever be interested in. Either creeped out, grossed out, or a mix of both.

  2. I’m not a sex worker, so the answer would be no, and I’d stop talking to that person because that request is incredibly inappropriate and disrespectful in my opinion.

  3. You should probably ask a sex worker. But just know whatever she teaches you is what she likes, not what your next partner might like. So you may as well just wait and learn with your partner.

  4. Thats called prostitution. And its illegal. And ild be getting his “offer” in writing to bring it to the police so he can be charged with solicitation.

  5. I’m in a relationship so it’s a hard pass. But, if I were single, it would still be a hard pass.

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