So, the fine lady needed you and boom you were all in. As a middle aged man, you put it all out there financially and emotionally, holding nothing back. It was easy to do. A woman in her late 40’s, soon to be 50 and hot as they come. She was Beautiful, fun, fun loving , outgoing, adventurous and an amazing lover! Soon after she was set, all of that changed. Once you had her set up, on her feet and out of the hole, everything that intrigued you is gone, including every dime you had to your name. However sweet and beautiful she still is, she has become very insecure, in her own world and its a dead end. She lives in the ” the world is going to end ” mentality. There is no marriage so that part is easy. Whats not easy is your last dime to your name was invested and gone and she controlls it all. What was your plan B and how did you escape without having to live like a dirt bag?

  1. >put it all out there financially

    Bruh, no matter which way you turn the sandwich *the bread comes first*.

    Stop tryna save these hoes.

  2. You reach a point where you have to choose leave her or go mental yourself. Than its up to you what you decide. I picked myself, it sucked, but now 2 years later im happy i got out before i would go insane. Im rather alone than with someone who will do what they can to mentally fuck me up

  3. Any chance of building up an emergency ‘escape” fund? Little bits add up over time…

  4. It kind of seems to me, at these times, that relationships are kind of like hard drugs.. You tend to get hooked, you waste all your money on it, it fucks you up for life and you’re left with nothing to show for it..

  5. Sounds like you’re in quite a predicament. Your best way ahead is probably just to depart and live your life by your means.

    Which would you prefer? A golden cage or a very modest lifestyle for a bit?

  6. Happened to me my guy. Used me, abused me and tried to make me look like the bad guy. She had a bf forn6 months, while we were talking, going out on dates and I would help her financially.(we split, but we tried to make it work) well one day before we were going to dinner, she starts sobbing and I knew this was it. I basically had to make her tell me she was seeing someone else, because she knew if I wasn’t there to help, she couldn’t afford her lifestyle. I cut off contact and she went to her friends complaining that I was a monster, etc etc. It really fucked with my head and I had a mental break. Went full retard and sent her new bf videos or her sucking my dick, balls and butthole. Since then, I have regained my sanity and mental state. Sure, I may have went to court but I got a deferred judgment. Long story short, sometimes we just need to go a little retarded to get through the shitty times (don’t do what I did, seriously. Even though I didn’t have a formal trial, it’s not easy dating anymore lmao)

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