My talking stage just told me that the reason she’s pulling back is because she feels like she rushed into dating after her previous relationship, so she wants to take a break.

What does this mean and where should I go from here? I really like her but i feel like if she’s still not over her ex then I should move on.

  1. Move on. Date other people. If you are still single in 4 months, call her up and ask how she is doing.

  2. >My talking stage just told me that the reason she’s pulling back is because she feels like she rushed into dating after her previous relationship, so she wants to take a break.

    Sounds like she told you both of those things. We’re caught up in our own heads about making this work that we’re not even listening to what she’s saying.

  3. It means this is a dead end, so move on and learn from this. Don’t invest in people you haven’t met yet.

    It’s likely just an excuse, but it doesn’t matter either way. No one but her knows what’s going on, just move on.

  4. It means move on

    If you were the absolute perfect man of her dreams she wouldn’t care in the slightest about rushing things, this is an excuse because she doesn’t want to tell you she’s not that interested 🤷‍♂️

  5. It doesn’t matter what the hidden meaning is, she saying she doesn’t want to continue. Maybe it’s an excuse that she’s not interested, maybe she’s serious and needs to take a step back. We can’t pin point the reason only speculate; regardless, it means this interaction won’t develop any more and it’s time to consider moving on.

    If she’s serious about liking you, maybe she’ll reach out later on and see if you are still interested. It’s ok to be sad or angry that things have changed, but if you’re looking for a reason on how to convince her not to stop, you’re never going to find it dude.

  6. Respect her thought process and move on, mate. Sometimes it takes talking to another person to realize you’re not ready and incapable of giving trust and openness yet again.

  7. I said something very similar to a guy I wasn’t interested in seeing anymore. It was true that I rushed into dating after a relationship but if I had met the right person I don’t think it would have mattered. I would just keep the option open but also move on.

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