I starting dating someone new about two weeks ago. We’ve been on four dates so far with our fifth date coming up this weekend. Things are going well, we’re aligned on wanting a long-term relationship and I like him so far. We’ve kissed and he slept over one night, but we haven’t had sex.

Initially, our dates were spaced really close together with 1-3 days between dates. It was really fun and I felt our momentum building / connection deepening. But due to work being busy for him, we now have a week in between dates. This is when I noticed that he’s not much of a texter, other than to make plans. He will always respond promptly when I initiate, but I wish he would initiate too. I didn’t notice this before because we were meeting frequently, but I do quite like a quick daily check-in when dating someone (call or text). I also feel more disconnected from him as a result of not really talking when not seeing each other.

Is this something you would bring up now or later on in the relationship? If so, how would you bring it up? For context we are not exclusive yet and I don’t know if I feel strongly enough to ask for exclusivity at the moment. I was definitely thinking about it more before this week of limited contact… but I want to rule out incompatibilities in interest/communication first.

  1. You can bring it up now, but I wouldn’t expect his habits to change too drastically. I myself am a person who prefers to keep texting limited to plans and occasional meme, but my current GF is just like you so I have adjusted a bit.

  2. I’m in a similar situation as you and made a post except I’m the guy. It’s driving me nuts. It’s my first experience with someone like this

  3. Try to frame it in a positive reinforcement kind of way.

    Maybe you could try by setting little tasks based on what you talk about when you’re together, like if he’s going somewhere scenic to send you pictures, or make a little contest out of who can share the cutest animal picture.

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