How do you react / feel when the girl you like (but she doesn’t know your feelings towards her) starts getting close / becomes friend with an other man (especially if he’s one of your friends) ?

  1. Happened to me in high school.

    Nothing you can do except be a loser orbiter or move on. I knew the guy well enough to know that he was a great catch, and sure enough they’re still together 17 years later.

    Can’t even be mad, he had the nuts to make a move and I didn’t. Well played Mark.

  2. It itch yeah but it is a part of the game. You can compete, but at the end of the day it’s the girl’s choice.

    The heart is a muscle, with time you learn to outfeel this kind of situation.

  3. I don’t, if I didn’t take initiative and try to turn it into something more… that is on me not them!

  4. You can either

    * tell her how you feel
    – it turns out great and you start dating
    – she declines your advances and your relationship doesn´t change (maybe it will a little bit)
    – she declines and it becomes awkward between the 2 of you

    * don´t tell her
    – wait until you get a better opportunity to tell her
    – forever just stay friends until your feelings eventually fade

  5. You should have asked her out a long time ago, ask her out right now. Pobably she likes this new guy anyway and will say no, but brother, you need to experience rejection so you won’t be too afraid to make a move in the future.

  6. You snatch him up, put him in the trunk of your car, and dump him in the desert and then you be there for her as she’s going thru the heart break of his disappearance and she’ll naturally fall for you for being the one there for her and live happily ever after

  7. I have felt jealous in that situation, even though it’s my own fault and I should’ve taken the initiative. I really try to not react to it at all, because that would just be childish. It really tests your ability to control your emotions though if you get close with a girl and tell you like her, and she isn’t interested. Then you see her getting close and flirting with one of your friends.

  8. I always speak out my feelings. But if that doesn’t work, fluck it. Just let go. And focus on career, as you were always doing.

  9. Sounds like the kind of thing that came up more when I was a teenager than any other time. It didn’t feel good, but that’s just the way attraction goes sometimes. Personally, I just learned to focus on the kind of relationship I actually have with the person, rather than the one I’d like to have if circumstances were different.

  10. Made this mistake a lot in college. Lay down your feelings and move on if it doesn’t pan out. I’ve been told more then once later, “I liked you, if only you asked me out”. Don’t be me lol.

  11. If I haven’t let her know how I feel, I really don’t see any grounds to do much of anything aside from possibility looking for someone else to enjoy or sharing my feelings with her with the intent of finding out if they’re mutual.

    If they weren’t mutual, or she had no feelings, no reason to get bent then either — there’s no point in wasting your time lamenting someone who didn’t like you back. There will always be other girls to admire and new adventures to have.

  12. That doesn’t happen. If I like a girl, I make a move, unless she is already taken or she’s a coworker, in which case I just force myself to stop liking her.

  13. That’s been the story most of my life and is partially why I’m lonely, depressed and hate myself.

  14. I stayed friends with her and she left him for me. Even though it was okay in the end, I learned to just ask the girl out from the beginning. Saves you a lot of pain.

  15. Lmfao, she turned into a manipulative abusive bitch who stole most of his 20’s.

    Thank you Allan, you did me a real solid and I owe you a huge favour.

    We joke now that he took 1 for the team.

  16. Your friendship is now in the guillotine, your both there with the rope in your hands whoever pulls it first kills your friendship but gets the girl meaning whoever gets the girl there no longer your friend, source I’ve been there best cause pick one to hold on to and hope it’s the right choice

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