A guy I’ve been seeing told me he loves me. I think I feel the same way, but I’m not quite sure yet and I don’t want to say that simply out of the need to say it back. He has been very sweet and told me not to worry about telling him I feel the same way til I am sure of how I feel and when it is “my time.” I’ve been thinking about telling him I love him back, but I’ve been single for so long that I’m not sure how the love barometer works.

ETA: I’m 28F, he’s 32M.

1 comment
  1. There is no specific rule for this, people have their own thoughts and expectations about love and I know the way I specifically view love is different than normal.

    I’d just say that, as long as you’ve spent time with him and know there’s more than just physical attraction… if you feel like you love the guy, tell him.

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