As a child, what did you think would be awesome about being an adult, but isn’t as awesome as you thought it would be?

  1. Vacations. Never realized how stressful the thought of taking one would be. Saving money that could be used elsewhere, the planning, what if the car breaks down, will the cats be fed?, etc…

  2. Back in the 90s there was a girl at my school who had her own private landline and one of those transparent plastic phones, which seemed so cool and grown-up! Now I cringe every time the phone rings.

  3. “I’ll get to eat whatever I want every day!”

    Yeah and you also have to pay for it and/or cook it yourself dipshit

  4. Money, as a small business owner, getting lots of money means more tax, more GST and endless hours managing it.

  5. I thought getting mail was so cool as a kid. Now as an adult I realize it’s only bills.

  6. i couldnt wait to be living alone as a kid but now ive come to realize there is nothing more precious than a mom or dad’s hug,, them randomly bringing a bowl of fruit for you in the day, just their company doesnt leave room for sadness to even exist
    No one would do that for you mann

  7. I was a very cynical child so everything is turning out exactly as I expected. And yet I am still disappointed.

  8. Not being bullied by horrible children anymore. I’ve internalized all of it, and it doesn’t go away.

  9. Going to bed whenever you want. Turns out, you just have to make yourself go to bed earlier so you don’t feel like shit

  10. Not having a dedicated nap time each day. I used to hate thinking that I needed a nap. Now, I really *do* need one.

    Oh, those were the days, man. How wrong I was.

  11. Not having to do PE/ Sports at school. Used to hate it but be fit as anything now I can’t even run up some stairs.

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