I (19M) had sex with my crush(18F)she’s my close friend) and now I think she’s ghosting and ignoring me, before sex whenever I text her that if she wants to come over to my place to chill and stuff she comes but after we had sex she always makes up excuses I don’t understand what I did wrong, what if she thinks it was and mistake.(she told me that I’m good at sex) it’s been weeks since we haven’t meet in person and I feel like it would be really awkward the next time we meet. How should I behave? Act Normal as if nothing really happened ? Talk about it? Please help me here sex gurus.

  1. She thinks it was a mistake and is avoiding you. That’s a common response for people your age when they have a hard time dealing with emotions. Since she was a crush I would focus more on your feelings and moving on in terms of romantic partners. It’s clear she’s not likely to return your feelings. She will likely keep her distance until you have a GF.

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