Okay just to clarify, I’m really chill with him watching porn, I don’t have a problem with it. But last night we were in the middle of sex, we’d both had quite a bit to drink. After i finished he was having trouble staying hard and seemed to be getting increasingly frustrated with things. We stopped for a minute and I cuddled him to reassure him I didn’t mind. We sort of silently agreed we were both tired and wasted so we were almost asleep like 10 minutes later.

He then blurted out that he wanted to watch a porn video, and I was mildly into the idea. It doesn’t do anything for me but obviously I’m open to engaging with it for his pleasure. He didn’t get up though and started explaining the video. He told me it was a female solo video to which made me feel weirdly jealous. I’d normally be cool with it I think but that pissed me off. He explained that he liked the video because she looks like me, but I found myself being angry because I was literally right there, offering to make him feel good.

  1. Can you describe yourself body wise if you don’t mind. A lot of men when they watch porn get into a mindset of a type a women they are attracted to.

  2. It sounds like he assumed that his stupid answer would go over well. The truth probably would have been better.

    A few things that came to mind:

    Alcohol was impacting him and he wanted something to focus on.

    A lot of people find masturbarion videos hot and it’s not really about the actor. Maybe he was just hoping that could bring him back into the mindset.

    Last, does he watch a lot of porn or has it increased lately? He could be watching too much where he now needs it to get off.

  3. Could be a symptom of the alcohol or he could be addicted to porn. I dated a guy who had trouble keeping it up, and like 2 years later I found out he was severely addicted to porn. He couldn’t quit. I loved him, but didn’t like that he would rather get off to porn than engage with me. I moved on and am a lot happier now.

  4. So sometimes my fiancé and I watch porn during foreplay or during doggy, but that’s something we both enjoy and consent to

    I think the alcohol may have got the better of him

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