at what age did you learn to cook?

  1. Hmm my mum had us baking from a really young age, under 10. From around 11/12 I would help cook other meals with her and learned that way. It’s been a continuous process.

  2. 29 and haven’t done it yet.

    I can follow a recipe, but I have been able to do that since I was… like 12? It’s just reading and then applying what you read. But the last time I cooked was probably two years ago or so if I remember right.

  3. I think it is at ten that I started to cook simple things, like boiling veggies, pasta, baking fruit. Very simple dishes. As time went on I learned to cook more and more complex meals.

  4. Started helping parents in the kitchen when I was like 5, by 12 I could cook loads of things by myself.

  5. 11. I was self taught too. Parents beat the shit out of me multiple times when they would catch me cooking but I had no choice. But it turned out to be worth it.

  6. Very young (5 or younger) when I started helping my mom in the kitchen.

    Around 10 when I started to make very simple meals alone.

    Around 18 when I was fending for myself entirely.

    Around 22 when I felt I really was cooking delicious meals well.

  7. Being able to follow a recipe around 10/11, but I don’t consider that to be me learning to cook. If I could spot when things were done by eye, know different methods of cooking, understood how flavors work together, cook well without recipes, etc. I’d considered myself to have learned, but I’m still not at that point yet.

  8. Started baking with mom when I was probably 4 or 5 and learned continually. I’m still learning at 35.

  9. Like 3 to 46. I was in the kitchen with my mom as a toddler. And I’m still learning skills now.

  10. Late 20s, early 30s. I refused on the grounds that women were “supposed to” cook. Turns out that’s a stupid reason because it’s a lot cheaper and easier to feed yourself rather than waste money and your health living off of takeout and shitty freezer meals. All adult humans should be able to make themselves sustenance even if it’s toast and scrambled eggs.

  11. Just throughout my teenage years I guess. I was never taught or shown, but I also don’t really remember ever struggling much. I just followed recipes in the beginning and eventually got a feeling for what works and what doesn’t.

  12. Around 15 when my mom went back to work after years of staying at home. I’d been helping her with cooking/preparing food for years before that though.

  13. I started I guess when I was like 2y with mom. When she left dad and I was the only girl in the family anymore I learnd fast to cook, so abou 9-10y old .

  14. Not intill recently and I’m 18. My grandma was a cook and she wanted to cook 24/7 and didn’t want me to bother when she did. Now she’s passed and my family is struggling but I’m surely learning and it’s so hard. I made a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich last night that was a success needs to be practice but was definitely a huge win in my book!

  15. I started helping when I was around 5 (tossing salad, cleaning the veggies, mixing the batter) I lived with both of my grandmas and they both cooked very well. By the time I was 10, I could make a decent meal with chicken and rice from scratch, and a bunch of baked goods. By my late teens, I was able of making a whole 4 course meal if I wanted, but I only do that on special occasions. Im 36 now.

  16. Basic meals at 14. I was not very good, but my mom died and my dad made me take on a lot of the cooking. I got a lottttt better when I was living with my ex-husband at 23 and we had more money to buy good supplies and spices.

  17. Around 11. Was and still am a huge fan of MasterChef Australia!! Wanted to surprise my mom for her birthday….made a 3 course meal at 11, and it turned out amazingly well. That was the start of my love for cooking.

  18. Probably 9 or 10. I was a latchkey kid of a single mom who didn’t know how to cook. My aunt was a wonderful cook and I learned a lot from her.

  19. 3-4 was when I started cooking under supervision but around 11-12 is when I really started experimenting and cooking meals on my own.

    It’s a big deal for people in my family to start being self sufficient at a young age, so all of us start preparing our own meals at a really young age irrespective of gender.

  20. I was taught when I was a child technically. I could follow a recipe just fine. But actually thinking about ingredients and how flavor profiles go together and what utensils I have to work with? Probably around age 25, started actually feeling okay about it age 27.

  21. Around 15. Both my brother and I were expected to cook once a week each, so we learned how to cook and so my mom had to do less

  22. Seven, when my older sibling and I helped and learned from our grandparents.

  23. Sotra cooking because I would do things like turn on and off the stove and get ingredients out but my mom would be cooking because she didn’t want be to get burned but I think I was 8-10

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