Does anyone know if hot water like a hot tub does damage to semen inside of the testicles and once ejaculated into the female to fertiliz her eggs is the semen not usable?

  1. I’ve read that 20minutes in a hot tub,the temp does kill the sperm.

    I cant decide on a link to share but there are plenty in Google. It starts recovering immediately after.

  2. The reason you have testicles dangling under your body, instead of packaged inside like a woman’s ovaries, is because producing sperm requires _very_ specific temperatures. (They can be retracted or deployed at need depending on the ambient temperature. That’s why you’ll find your ballsack shriveled up when you’re cold.) You can see how a hot tub could potentially short-circuit this process.

  3. The testicles don’t like high temperatures, hence why they evolved to hang out of the body’s natural warmth. So, yes. A hot tub for elongated periods is bad for reproductive health, as is using a laptop directly over your groin, being in the sauna too long, etc etc.

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