When was the last time you thought to yourself, “this person is such a moron”?

  1. A fellow parent messaging me to ask if it was really own clothes day for the kids at school on Friday because they have a letter saying it is but don’t know if it really is it not, like do you think your 8 and 6 year olds faked the letter or something lol

  2. When I looked in the mirror this morning….granted, I had just stabbed myself in the eye with my mascara wand

  3. About an hour ago in a local sub. A poster was yelling about how we should all contact federal officials for a provincial matter. I pointed out that they should direct those concerns to the appropriate level of government. They went off about how useless all the officials are, but they were talking about something a town council had done.

    I wonder what that person did with their time instead of attending social studies classes back in the day.

  4. I work at a doggy daycare we had a woman 2 weeks ago who had us feed her dog frosted flakes and milk for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  5. Yesterday afternoon. I drove home from a meeting and had to stop at a railroad crossing (closed at the time). A car reversed and got onto the wrong lane. Then the driver got out of the car, went over to me and asked me to go back because she thought the crossing was out of order – with a reeeeeeally nasty look on her face. So… technically, I thought it twice.

  6. Earlier today.

    Bfs friend was posting all these exhaustion memes from constantly working.

    He has no job and hasn’t had a job in MONTHS. Why you tired bro 🙄

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