What’s one the coolest things you have in your home? Whether it be a setup (hidden room), an item (a drone you can fly from your TV), whatever!

  1. – Hacked PSP and DS
    – Didgeridoo painted by an aboriginal artist
    – Airsoft guns
    – $1,000 hamster

  2. I have a 7 channel 1000 watt sound system. For my computer.

    That and triple 32 inch monitors make it the kickass system I always dreamt of.

  3. I used to race professionally as a crew chief and mechanic. I’ve got bits and pieces of cars that have won big endurance races, signatures from drivers and F1 team principals, team gear, etc. I think the coolest one is the fender badge from the winningest Ferrari in the US. I worked for a Ferrari race team and we bought the car and I stripped it, and kept it.

  4. Before my Apartment burned down it was a ring used WCW United States Championship Belt worn by Lex Luger.

  5. A 1950’s Remington Wingmaster Model 870BDL “De luxe Special” Grade 12g Shotgun – It’s cool to me because my Grandpa gave it to me before he passed away.

    I have 1984 Voltron III Deluxe Lion Set because… Why not

    And I have an old Pewter Continental Currency Coin 🤫

  6. A Victrola. I think it was manufactured in 1927. It’s not a rare model. I was my mother’s mother’s. Two police officers hunting down one of my felon stepsons stopped to get their introduction to scratchy, low fidelity 78 rpm records.

  7. My bed has a remote for it, that’s pretty much the only out of the ordinary thing I have lol

  8. I have a big ol spinning door going out the front of my house….made out of 4 huge commercial picture windows…..spins flawlessly , formica coveted walls , a ressed light over each section , tile floor….I built it when I was building my house 15 years ago…..still a hit when we have parties….i wish I knew how to add a picture for yall……I also have a pool table mounted on the ceiling over my pool table we shoot on….there is a light in each pocket , balls in a rack and 2 pool cues in a X with cue ball in place…..green LED lights all the way around under the cushion or rails …pretty cool also , makes a hell-of-a pool table light…(LITERALLY) 🤣🤣

  9. My entire house is a smart one. Fully automated. I mean i can do things manually but i don’t need to do them manually. My lights go on at 5:30 in the morning and they go off at 11:30 at night. The coffee maker has a fresh pot brewed at 6 and alexa tells me about my day.

  10. I have a train set in the basement with mountains, tunnels and a water fall and an old three legged one eyed cat.

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