I am a senior in college and my boyfriend and I have been dating for over 2 years. We met at a point when I was taking time off of school but went long distance when I reenrolled last semester. We still live in the same state but now I’m about a 3 hour drive from him. I have a strict schedule about when I come home; every other weekend, and I always go see him every time I’m home (my friends and family are also all at home). Since moving me in, he hasn’t visited me once. I’ve asked him to several times and expressed how it makes me feel but to no avail. He usually just says he will at some point, or even that he hates coming to my college town because of my “party days” which happened before we even met. I brought it up to him again today in a not so subtle way because I know there’s no football on Sunday and he just ignored that message and replied to something else I said. Am I doing something wrong? What do I do? I feel like I need to stop coming home so often especially since I take expensive bus rides/my dad picks me up. Please help:(

TLDR: my boyfriend hasn’t visited me at school all semester and blows me off every single time I bring it up.

1 comment
  1. 2 years and he just ignores you? Tell him you need to talk about something, and do it on a call, not text. Tell him what you’ve said here – that you love seeing him, but it should be an equal effort from both sides. So he should be alternating who travels to see the other person (or at the bare minimum, splitting the cost of tickets if he has a legitimate reason for not traveling.)

    A good boyfriend would make the effort to see you without being prompted, but in this case, you might have to give him a little incentive by just not visiting him as often. Cut the frequency of your visits in half if you can. I know that’s easier said than done if you want to keep traveling home to see friends/family, but find some way to show that things need to change.

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