What a shy man can do to overcome his fear of approaching woman in the streets and try to get a girlfriend?

  1. Try talking to women in casual settings if you can. Where there are no expectations, but you can get to know them. If you don’t start out trying to hit on them, it is less awkward, less of a chance of rejection, less threatening, and you can get to know each other before a move has to be made.

  2. First you should work on being comfortable socializing with everyone in public, not just women. Everyone can sense awkwardness unfortunately you just have to get better and being ok with it.

  3. You can practice by approaching women in public and asking innocent or harmless questions.

    Like directions or the time, claim your phone died.

    You won’t be awkward because you aren’t thinking of failure.

    Just practice being articulate and in control of your emotions.

  4. Just don’t do that on streets to complete strangers.

    On activities you both like is kinda better option to me. Because you know what you can talk about to start conversation if you are shy type. And themes of talking go in different directions.

    And also. Do it more without having date as a goal. To let all pressure off your shoulders. And maybe you will find someone or they will find you.

  5. Few Stella followed by a few lines n you’ll chew any girls tab off all night n enjoy doing it

  6. You’ll get better at approach the more you practice it. However randomly approaching women in the street is not the way.

  7. First of all perhaps approaching women in the street isn’t the best tactic. It usually ends in arrest and a restraining order. Honestly I’d advise getting to know any woman long before asking her out. Maybe try to meet women in a social setting first. Then make a move after making friends first.

  8. Women only like to be approached in places that filter people out so that way they know they’re not going to accidently end up dating a hobo.

  9. Learn how to cook, sew, sing and dance a little, wear clean clothes, cheap ones even, but you gotta have a lil drip. Oh and have a job and a goal in mind, tell stories at the right times, shut up other times.

    Some Woman will see it, and boom you’re in a relationship, because you did the “you” work needed, doesn’t matter that you are shy, that can be a really good quality.

    Id know, as a shy man. Also kinda poor too, somehow I can sell it but its a lot of work.

  10. Just a fair warning mate . In this era relationships feel more like minefields then anything else so tread carefully. A girl or a woman can fuck you over with a 4letter word so proceed when you’re 100% sure she’s sane and mentally stable or if you wanna increase your chance of survival just forget about getting into a relationship. The choice is yours habibi . Keep that head up and stay awesome

  11. Women don’t like to be approached by strangers on the street for many good reasons. The only exception is if you are very famous. If not, don’t do it. Join a MeetUp group based on a similar interest and let it organically flow from that.

  12. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself. Women are just people. They have hopes, dreams, and probably more insecurities than you. Just have a conversation. Stop seeing getting a gf as the goal of interactions. Stop asking out total strangers. If the interaction is going good, say you’d like to talk again. Ask for their number.

  13. It’s 2023. You’ll get canceled if you do this cause it’s considered sexual harassment now

  14. If you go to the female areas of Reddit, this is asked every day. THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO APPROACH THEM ON THE STREET.

  15. If you’re serious about improving you need to hire a coach. No different than getting a personal trainer if you want to build muscle.

  16. you gotta go out and talk to everyone. Beat that shyness the fuck out of your soul. It’s the only way. Don’t stupidly focus on women, you will be seen as desperate no matter how un shy you become. You need to live life and grab the bull by the horns and fuck shit up career wise etc. Step out of your comfort zone as much as you can.

  17. If you live somewhere that’s not allowed, either don’t do it there, or move somewhere better where its allowed/encouraged.

  18. I’m not shy at all, but I rather find places where approaching women is a) easier and b) less annoying to women. If you are shy, that’s probably not a good place to start improving your flirting skills.

  19. Say hello more often, its a bitch but you can start a conversation and go from there

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