I’m gonna start off with what dating for me entails. I’ve only experienced this 2-3 times in my life, but there are some women who I instantly see a spark with, like love at first sight, I start stuttering and daydreaming, and I’m ready to do anything for them. For one reason or another, it never works out with them and it never gets to the relationship state. Then there are women who I’m not head over heels for, but with time, I grew to fall in love with them and have a nice stable relationship. I wouldn’t call it settling, but it just takes a bit more time.

I met the first girl, who I was infatuated with, 5 months ago on a Pokémon Go community day. Long story short, we vibed really well, we exchanged contacts, talked for a few days, I asked her if she’s single and want to go on a date, she agreed, we meet, I fell in love, we have so many shared interests it’s creepy, she said she’s not ready to be in a relationship, we kept being “friends” for a week, our conversation phases out. That’s it. It was very painful but for better or worse, she changed my life. I was kind of a loser back then. Overweight, doing same routine bs everyday, depressed and broody. After the date, I promised myself I won’t accept anything but the best version of myself.

I started working out, lost 20 pounds, travelled, tattoos, lasik, new ride, new outdoorsy hobbies, quit smoking and drinking. It’s pretty nice. I’ve been going on lots of dates and putting myself more out there. So I met my current date on Hinge 1.5 months ago. She’s really cool and pretty. We’ve been on several dates and we haven’t talked about it, but from my side, it’s exclusive. This weekend, she finally shared her Instagram and told me I follow one of her friends. It was the other girl and they seemed very close and have pics together.

Idk how to feel about that. Obviously I’m gonna see her friend eventually. And I know it sounds creepy, but I can’t help it, I still do be sad it didn’t work out with first girl. I just don’t think it’s fair to my date that I’m infatuated with her friend. I’m thinking about just dipping and ending our situationship. Is that fair? What do I do? I just feel so bad because I’ve slept with her and she seems like she had a rough 2022.

tl;dr Girl I’m seeing is close friends with girl that I dated and was infatuated with. I don’t think I can handle being in close proximity to the other girl. Is ending it the right choice?

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