How is your relationship with your sister(s)?

  1. Ha. Nonexistent with one and the bare minimum with the other bc I want a relationship with my nieces. TOO MUCH FAMILY DRAMA

  2. She died many years ago. But, I adored her and looked up to her. She was 4 years older than myself.

    I still miss her even if it has been 30 years ago in a few months.

  3. Nonexistent. She acted like I was an embarrassment from middle school till adulthood. She has never apologized for her hurtful behaviour. She has always prioritized strangers opinions over mine.

  4. She’s one of my best friends. We talk pretty much daily, whether sharing little Instagram videos or having a quick call about something funny or frustrating. She’s about a year and a half younger than I am, and I’m glad we’ve gotten closer through the years even though we live a plane ride away.

  5. I have/had 3. One died years ago which pretty much destroyed my family. I am completely no contact with one for about 12 years or so. One I was no contact with for about the same time but we are tentatively talking on the phone every once in a while now. There’s a lot of baggage

  6. We live in different country and I have not seen her for nearly 10yrs… we were never close.we sometimes talk online but maybe few times a year. She has personality disorder and very difficult to keep healthy relationship with ppl. We can never stay in the same space without problems…Sad but I accepted this long time ago..

  7. I have two younger sisters and we have a very close relationship. It took a lot of effort and we really appreciate having each other because there are some really problematic sibling relationships in the extended family as bad example. We regularly meet just the three of us without our parents or partners. Things were not always like this, we had less things in common when we were younger, but now everyone has an adult life and it is easier to relate to each other.

  8. My sister & I have a 6-year age gap, so our relationship didn’t really start to blossom until she became an adult. Over the past several years, we’ve grown closer & I am incredibly grateful for that. I trust her with my life, & there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.

  9. My youngest sister is a literal angel. She works hard, shes super smart, she’s incredibly beautiful, she’s absolutely fucking hilarious. We get on really well when we’re one on one, and I love her to bits, I want the world for her.

    My middle sister is complicated. She’s 22, about to have her second kid, is in a relationship with one of the biggest assholes I’ve ever met. She doesn’t work, gives out condescending advice to all of us who do if we mention work, she’s quick to judge harshly and needlessly, she has a bit of a cruel streak. She has basically abused/neglected a dog they got from the moment they got her, she uses the family for free childcare and free shopping, and she lies constantly about everything. She has also tried to pressure my youngest sister into giving her large sums of cash multiple times. I want to love her the same, but she’s making it really hard.

  10. It’s good. She is older but she likes to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do with my life which is annoying and I always ignore her. She should focus on her life and not mine.

  11. Brilliant, she’s my best friend and we speak everyday. She’s 7 years younger, I wish everyone had a sister .

  12. Can’t imagine life without her although I didn’t know her for my first 19 years. It’s amazing!

  13. My sisters are my best friends. We don’t see each other as much now that one is in college and working and the other lives out of state, but we keep in frequent touch and do still meet up when we can.

  14. Two of them that are younger, mean the world to me. I helped raise them & they even say I feel like a second mom to them. My older sister I no longer have a relationship with by choice. I don’t tolerate toxic behavior, even from family

  15. Not sister but older step sister. She’s only reached out to me once, when she needed help moving and I said no. Never helped me with anything, not even advice. Hung out once with her and her friends and gee they were so nice to me like sisters should be. Oh well

  16. I have three. I’m the oldest. #2 Hard to get along with, her beliefs and her challenges are the only beliefs and only challenges. #3 is one of my besties and confidante, we’re very different she’s super smart and fun. We try new things together. #4 was very young when I left home and we don’t have much of a relationship. She’s a difficult person to get to know and has some neurodivergencies that make every day conversation tricky. We don’t live close and don’t have similar interests. I love them all and want the best things for them!

  17. My older sister is my close friend and someone I look up to. Growing up, things we’re hard. She essentially acted as another mother figure which I obviously rejected. It’s almost like as soon as we found breathing room (she left home at 18) we were able to form a friendship. Now all is well.

  18. Good, I’m thinking about moving in with her so we both have some family support with each other and to be closer to my niece. We hated each other growing up but now there is somewhat a mutual respect.

  19. Much better now that we are both older (37 and 30), and my mum doesn’t try to mediate the relationship.

  20. Like shit. She’s a raging alcoholic that won’t acknowledge her problem. We’re either really great or I have her blocked. Right now I have her indefinitely blocked, she pushed shit too far even though she knows I’m pregnant.

  21. Not really existent. We do not have the same values or goals in life and she could never really accept that.

  22. My sister is amazing. I have some chronic health issues, and she is my person. She shuttles me hours away for doctors appts, totes my walker or wheelchair anywhere we need to go, and she loves my kids like her own. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her!

  23. Terrible. I love her but I don’t like her if that makes sense. We were mean to each other growing up (me more than her) but after she graduated high school, we got in a fight when my parents were out of town and she packed up all her stuff and moved out and didn’t speak to me for two months. Years have passed, she’s married now, but still, I can’t stand being around her. Her laugh is so annoying and I get irritated easily when I’m with her.

    Wish it wasn’t like that. I have such an amazing relationship with my boyfriend’s two sisters, but I know I’ll never have that with her.

  24. Thanks for your answers, everyone. I am sisterless and while I enjoy having a brother now for the most part (the childhood beatings and his volatile, unpredictable teen/twenties now past and aside) I can’t help but think I’m missing something without a sister.

    Maybe I’m missing a great relationship, maybe a terrible one. I guess I’ll never know, she is less than a ghost.

  25. I hear that she has time to go out to lunch with everyone else but me so… not great.

    I don’t know, there isn’t much of a relationship and I told her as much. I said we’re not close. I miss her. I wish she’d want to go out to lunch with me but I’m on the backburner. I don’t know. I don’t know what to make of it, honestly. We’re just really different people.

  26. Really good. We are kinda opposites in a lot of ways, and that can cause arguments here and there. But other than the occasional bickering, we get along really well. Even as little kids, when people “hated their siblings”. I never hated her

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