My fellow guys why do we do this?

  1. There’s actually empirical evidence for this: men do not perceive risk in the same way as women!

  2. Because men are more risk tolerant. Hell, sometimes we don’t even think of how risky or stupid something might be until it goes wrong!

  3. This one time me, my brother and my cousins got together and we shot fireworks at each other. Was it stupid? 100% it’s dangerous and we could’ve been seriously hurt or worse… was it fun??? HELL YEAH IT WAS FUN!!!!

  4. We are evolutionary expendable. We have the ability to procreate and pass on our genes very quickly without the need to hang around. As opposed to women, who are relied on to gestate the baby and then nurture them till they reach self sufficiency, which is a long time. Although our brains and social habits have changed dramatically as we evolved, we are still coded this way.

  5. Because it’s fun and normally either turns into either a good story or a cautionary tale.

    Is it dumb to blow up a 5 gallon bucket of tannerite surrounded by giant teddy bears resulting in flying bear heads over the neighborhood?
    Is it dumb to punch a bear while drunk?
    Is it dumb to try to steal a Mounties horse?

    The answer is yes to all of them but they’re great or weird stories.

  6. Old man here, but shit you sometimes ask for it .
    We don’t know that u are taking the piss on girls with expensive nail jobs and would never get that shit honest with us

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