This keeps happening and last night she texted me one word “guy” at 1am and said the next day that it was a sleep text. Like she texted me while she was asleep. Do you think she’s just trying to get my attention? Is she being manipulative? Or does she just accidentally send me messages meant for other people and sleep text? Idk why but I highly doubt she texted while asleep. That’s a lot of effort to make while asleep.

  1. This seems like something that would be attempted by a younger person. How old are you guys?

    Idk how often she’s doing this or what the dynamic is between you, but seems unlikely that she is accidentally doing this all the time.

  2. I’d hazard a guess she’s playing games. Best to just ask her to delete your number because she’s obviously not able to handle the responsibility of having it. Unless you like her and want to keep contact them maybe not.

  3. Not a hint, or I wouldn’t treat it as such. Slip ups happen.

    She may think you are interested and may be hinting she is not into you by mentioning other guys she is seeing. If she was trying to make you jealous, then run red flag.

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