Ok so I was dating this guy a few months ago and we were at the bed talking about some deep shit. I honestly don’t know how we ended up talking about infidelity but I asked him what he would do if he found his wife in bed with someone else. He said “I would kill her, the guy, our kids and finally myself”..

It took me a few seconds to digest what he just said, I even laughed to try to see if he was joking. The guy was dead serious… I couldn’t sleep that night and I asked him again in the morning about his answer and he replied the same thing.. he said “maybe not the kids” and then he said that he would only marry once in life and the girl he’d pick would never do that to him anyways…

Can anybody tell me how worried I should be about this answer? And why someone would think this way?

  1. Girl, you KNOW how bad it is. You’re hoping someone here will tellyou its normal. It ISNT.

    Don’t bother with this guy. This one sentence alone shows a lack of emotional maturity and a seriously concerning propensity to express violence he thinks about committing.

    8 weeks of dating is nothing- please upgrade to a better model.

  2. There was a similar post a month or so back. Whether he means it literally, or he’s just trying to make rules or intimidate you, or you thought he was liberal when he’s from a more conservative culture than you are, it’s a warning you shouldn’t ignore.

  3. You should be super fucking worried. Break up with him now and block him on everything. That is not a reasonable reaction to infidelity. Reasonable is “I would divorce them” not murder/suicide

  4. Run the fuck away.

    Like that’s someone who will become a family annihilator and you need to block him on every possible channel immediately. Men like that think their families can’t exist without them giving permission to do so, the only place anyone exists in the world is in relation to them, he can never view another person in his family as an individual, merely a possession of his.

  5. This guy is very likely a domestic abuser who will control and torment his future wife & children with frequent threats, verbal abuse, stalking, bizarre rules and harsh punishments for anything that he dislikes or views as disobedience.

    Steer well clear of any involvement with him.

  6. All it takes is him THINKING that his future wife cheated. He doesn’t need proof to go off the deep end. Imagine one of his friends, or someone that’s jealous of you (or whatever scenario you want to create) doesn’t know this is how he thinks, and messes with his head. Now he’s drunk and angry. Break up with him and don’t let him know where you’re moving to. You don’t need this energy in your life.

  7. You run. Few things warrant a death sentence, and the fact that he thinks he can decide to end multiple people’s lives over infidelity? His kids too? WTF?

  8. Is this really something you need to ask?

    “This guy is making murder threats, is that, like, bad?”


  9. That’s “get the restraining order, move to a new location, then break up with”-level 🚩

  10. Well yeah if you want to like, keep living, I’d leave him. When people offer red flags best to take them and run.

    but also know that question can make *you* sound like you might end up in bed with someone while married

  11. Break up with him immediately for some other totally innocuous reason (because if you break up with him over what he said, he’s going to assume you’re a cheater because why would that bother you otherwise. And if he thinks you’re a cheater…).

    He is bad, bad, bad news. Bad. Run.

  12. If you stay with this man you’ll end up having your very own podcast episode about the time your psycho partner murdered everyone because he dreamt you cheated.

  13. Serious enough to not look into going on anymore dates with a psycho. You will dodge a bullet when you see a mugshot on the news.

  14. Nah, I think you’re fine. I mean, just don’t cheat, right? It sounds like he just has really strong family values.




  15. A normal response would be divorce and possibly kick the guys ass. Killing kids isn’t normal thinking.

  16. That is the most unhinged shit you could ever say wtf lol. Yea you need to run from this dude he’s a damn psycho

  17. Believe him. He sounds awful. Two months isn’t long to find out who you’re really with.

  18. RUN don’t walk away from this train wreck. That way of thinking would probably mean he would kill his entire family if his wife divorced him too.., F that. Get out of there

  19. If such a thing actually happened this kind of killer is called a family annihilator. It’s extreme narcissism and psychopathy that motivates it. He only views people as an extension of his own ego and cannot actually form real bonds with people. As red as a flag can get

  20. I think it’s time to move on. You never know about people, look at the ones who have done something similar. You usually read or hear people saying he was the nicest guy, he loved his family so much etc after the act. And here you have been given notice, pay attention to the warning.

  21. Yike to the IKES 😬😬😬 I would end it right away. The idea that he would even consider it… shiiiiiiiit

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