Hi everyone. Throwaway for obvious reasons. I couldn’t find the right sub to ask this.

I think my dad is abusive towards my mom. They’re 35.

When my dad comes home my mom panics and makes sure everything’s clean, and says “you all finished homework right? No homework?” And then she’ll clean everything really fast and wait for him by the door and when he comes in she’ll kiss him and whatever.

when my mom says or does something my dad doesn’t like he’ll grab her wrist
and they’ll walk upstairs and he’ll lock them in their room.

I have 2 siblings, one is a toddler and lately when he wants to cuddle with mom she’ll say “not right now mommy had a rough night.”

this has been going on for as long as I can remember, but what really made me wonder is when my I guess my mom threw something away by accident and and he’s like “you THREW IT AWAY?” And she flinched and covered her face and said “I’m sorry I’m sorry”

I asked my mom once and she said he’s never put his hands on her and whoever said that to me is a liar and to never beleive that because dad would never do that.

I don’t know, it just puts me in a rough spot. They actually get along very well and are always kissing each other and cuddling on the couch. It’s just weird to think of my dad like that, he’s never really yelled or hit any of us, I couldn’t even imagine that, but the more I think about it the more I wonder.

  1. Mom is likely trying to protect both of you children. I don’t know how old you are, but for your mom’s safety, it may be time to talk to her about it, alone, and ask her if she needs help. I can tell you’re scared, and that’s ok, you’re not supposed to know what to do here, but I can also tell you love your mom. Be there for her, talk to her, be her friend and support.

    This may be his/their way of dealing with anger, but it sure sounds fishy. Talk to her first and if you get more bad vibes, call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline 800-799-7233

  2. Spousal Abuse isn’t necessarily physical. Sounds like abuse to me. Sounds like he likes to hide it.

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