We met at university. I was looking for a friend with benefits or a simple hookup. She told me that she is not interested in sex and only wants a serious relationship. We had a date anyway. She was scrolling instagram most of the time and we had only a short and superficial conversation. The date was really disappointing and she didn’t show any interest in me. I asked if she wanted that I drive her home. She told ok but don’t expect anything, I only want a ride. I drove her home, she was still on her phone. We arrived and she invited me over. I didn’t understand why, we were on date for hours and she was only on her phone and now she wants to talk. Anyway I entered for a drink and after a very short talk she throw herself at me and we had sex and she was very passionate. We talked a little after, then she told me rudely that I have to go. I was going out and she stopped me and we started sex again. The night was really good, so I asked her out the following days but she finds ridiculous excuses and always refuses.

Anyone was in a similar situation?
What to do?

  1. Chalk it up to she was horny and wanted to get laid and leave it at that. Unless you’re into games and girls that find their phone more important.

  2. You got what you wanted and she got what she wanted. Sounds like it all went well even though it was bizarre.

    If she’s not responding to your calls she is done with you.

    Enjoy the memory and move on.

  3. This girl has no idea what she wants or how to establish a connection with someone.

    If she reaches out to you, chances are she’ll fuck you well and otherwise treat you like shit. Whether or not you’re into that is between you and your god. (Given that my god is Aphrodite I’d go for it, but that’s me.) If you hear from her, do NOT get sucked into a Relationship; she’ll make a miserable girlfriend.

    Otherwise this is out of your hands. Put this night in the wank bank and go back to looking for someone else.

    Sometimes it’s just like that, mate. Good luck.

  4. You got out. You should stay out.

    I would hazard a guess her type is somewhere on the A-hole abusive spectrum. I don’t see any kind of healthy relationship coming from this.

    You seem like a nice guy, don’t return. Enjoy what you had.

  5. Thank her on Instagram. Dear Molly, what the hell babe! You’re a devil in the sack. Stay hot. Chow.

  6. Dude she sucks, move on.

    100% sounds miserable outside the sex. If you’re not getting sex, it’s not worth pursuing.

  7. >She was scrolling instagram most of the time…

    That right there is more than enough to shut the night down for me. That’s just poor etiquette. On top of that, if someone just wants to get laid, they should just say that. That whole thing was wasted time with someone who is a terrible communicator. I would not reengage.

  8. You had a good night. That is all. Don’t get crazy with that girl. She just is not interested.
    Maybe you could get laid again with her, but go find anyone else.

  9. Sounds like she really wanted sex but had no interest in you as a person. If you are happy just having sex with no connection then its all good. If you don’t like that probably don’t contact her again.

  10. Lots of people want to have uninhibited sex without the guilt. It sounds like she carries around some ideal about who she should be. She might also be trying to change you to make herself feel better.

    I would continue being honest about what you’re looking for and have fun. She will either want to participate or not but that’s 100% up to her.

    Have fun and be safe.

  11. I would suggest avoiding people who don’t treat you with respect and say one thing and do the other. Just because somebody is hot doesn’t mean they are a good person, they would be a good person to date, or be a good person to have sex with. This has nothing to do with gender.

    I wouldn’t even bother having sex with them a second time. They will just have sex with you then treat you like shit because they feel you will put up with it to have sex with them again.

  12. Lots of horny people don’t want to say they’re horny, or make themselves out to be “easy”
    She’s got a bad ego, nothing about that is your fault.

  13. People tell you what they want far more clearly via the way they act vs. what they say. Often they’ll say anything just to make a certain impression on people or to just fool themselves into thinking they are good people when they’re really just selfish and shallow.

    Forget about any and everything she said and only look at what she *did*.

    Does it make sense now?

  14. I’ve been this girl. Can confirm she has problems. At 23 she’s probably not aware of it yet, but she’ll get there. Just not with you.

  15. She wanted to get laid, Simple as the way a guy does. You got your Simple hook up. Leave it alone, maybe she will call you for booty sometime

  16. This kind of shit happens. Sometimes you have a great date and connection then you get completely shut down when it feels like you have a guaranteed hookup. Other times it feels like nothing is going right then all of a sudden she’s all over you to have sex. Just roll with it. Keep having sex with her (if you want) but I wouldn’t expect it to go very far. You’ll probably be ghosted at some point. Life is weird.

  17. You say you only eant fwb and then you’re disappointed the girl wants the same? Wtf?

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