Men who were told by a girl that they need a “break”. What happened next?

  1. When someone asks for a “break”, they are just taking a really long pause in the word “break-up”.

    A GF of mine said she wanted a break, two weeks laters she continued with the “-up”.

  2. I agreed after 12 years, but I added “up” to it. She told me later I didn’t fight for her, so she wanted to test drive another guy. He dumped her after a month. She has been trying to get back with me for almost 3 years now and “will wait for the rest of her life for me.”

  3. I gave her a break, didn’t try at all to communicate. She came back sobbing but then I slowly started to cut her off and eventually..

  4. I asked who Mr Break was. She said no one so I broke up with her because I knew she was lying. Walk away a king, not a fool.

  5. Not me, but a friend. She went on Snapchat a few hours after telling him, updated her story or something (I don’t use Snapchat) asking if anyone was free that night. She must’ve forgotten to remove him first because he saw it almost immediately after it went up. He called me about it a while later. He ended up telling her to not limit herself to one night because she has “her entire life to be single now”.

  6. We were dating for like 3 years and she wanted a break to see if I was what she really wanted. And at that point of the relationship I was just sick and tired of having to keep proving my value to her and it felt more like she wanted to test drive some other dudes.

    So I made it easy for her and ended that relationship then and there

  7. In my experience “break” is code word for wanting to sleep with a new guy at work, gym, etc without technically cheating. Needless to say, the break became more permanent when she realized her hookups weren’t willing to commit to anything and I was bettering myself without her.

    Adios Rebecca 👋

  8. “You’ll be my BF again, you still have my mind and heart”

    A week later she was at the park with a new guy and started dating him because he made her “feel safe”. She was with another guy a few weeks after that but has been with the same one for a year now.

  9. Well she told me she wanted to take a break this last Monday, after avoiding me for three months. I told her we can just clock out instead, because after those three months nothing would change between being together and being separate.

  10. She said we needed a break and when I agreed she immediately freaked out and started crying, asking me why I wanted a break.

    Should have been my cue to bounce but I let her emotionally torture me for another three years after that.

  11. We broke up.

    I have no idea where she got the idea for a break, or why she suggested it. I see the purpose in a break. But the issues we had was a lack of communication in how we felt about each other and this is just that but worse. So we broke up.

  12. She initially told me that this “break” was because she wanted me to focus on college, and getting a better job, in reality she met someone right before she asked for our “break” and was dating him to see if it would work out for the 2 of them, I get lead on for 3 months with the possibility of getting back together, only for the full break up a week before what would have been 2 years through text.

  13. I told her no, its breakup or nothing. I explained that a break doesn’t make sense, it leads to weird uneven expectations and time to grow apart while also stringing someone along. She understood and we didn’t go through with it.

    You can be together and working through shit….

  14. It all ended but it was obvious, wasn’t it? I mean when a person asks for a break or states that they are busy for you it just mean there’s a certain kind of satisfaction they want and they’re not getting from you. It doesn’t matter how good you were to them or how perfect you were for each other. They left to get that satisfaction from someone else. They might realise, after a while, that You were the one & come back to you but the truth is they still won’t get that satisfaction from you and that will always make them feel incomplete inside and they will keep leaving.
    So instead of beating around the bush, people should move on cause there’s no other option.
    Even if you reassemble and stick pieces of broken glass, there’d still be cracks.

  15. She needed to “discover herself”.

    Yeah, discover herself sleeping with her coworker while I was in Iraq.

    I tried fixing it briefly during R&R leave but it didn’t last, and that opened the door to meeting my wife so…. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  16. It means she’ll be banging some other dude while you sit around waiting for her to come back.

    Tell her to have a good life and move on.

  17. A question for yourself is, “What is this person trying to do that they can’t while in a relationship?”

    I let this happen once in high school, thinking I could “win her back,” one hopefully misguided assumption. There was nothing I could do because she had decided to pursue someone else and tried to leave me waiting around in case the grass wasn’t greener

    Talking with my father helped and it went something like, “I know you like her, and I know it feels really heavy, but is this what you think love is? Competing for her affection because something shiny walked by? You can be someone’s option or someone’s choice.”

  18. Wish I had a great story but here it is.

    After the break it was me calling her once a week and listening to how great her life was with all of the new dating and us as just friends.

    Then onece I got it through my thick skull that we were done it was a call from her every few months rubbing in how active her dating life was. I was still not dating and trying to put my life back together.

    After a few years I started dating, eventually the calls from her stopped when I got engaged.

    We reconnected on FB and now I get a message every once in a while when she needs a repair done at her house (I’m a plumber)

    She does get charged full price. Discounts are for friends and we are not that, probably never will be again and I’m ok with that.

  19. I said no.

    She wanted space but what we needed was to talk. Work things out. Explain our feelings, and ourselves. Be there for each other. That was ten years ago and we’ve never taken a break. Can count on one hand the amount of heavy arguments we’ve had. We always talk our shit out and we’ve had an amazing relationship as a result.

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