Do you actually care about being masculine? If so, why?

  1. Yes, but not because I care about being masculine. The traditional male traits are good virtues to live by. Self mastery, competence, strength, purpose, dedication, stoicism. They all have demonstrable value. I couldn’t give a shit about other people thinking I’m masculine, I’m simply seeking to make the most of a genetic predisposition so I can do more with my life and protect those around me when necessary. And, like it or not, that’s what men are valuable for.

  2. I don’t care at all. I I like to be my own person and not follow an agenda that society categorizes as masculine.

  3. Not really motivated to care anymore.

    The conversation around it too often is about what it isn’t, and that’s just unhelpful.

  4. Meh. Anymore it just seems like brownie points for dudebros who want to metaphorically rub their dicks on everything they see to make up for their lack of personal satisfaction or something.

    Like, if I enjoy making cookies or tinkering with old cars without applying some olde timey gender norm to it, then why can’t other people? And why do they need to enforce those norms on me? What’s the actual gain from that?

  5. I care about being my version of masculine. Mainly because it’s who I feel most comfortable being.

  6. No. I care about being healthy, happy, a good parent, and loving partner, and a helpful member of my community. A generally good human, even. But masculine? Who cares? Where does that fit in with my personal values and how to achieve them?

  7. Yeah. Healthy masculinity is important. It matters. A man should be able to provide for and protect his family. Stand up for his beliefs. Have strong moral values. I couldn’t summarize everything in a short post (not to imply that I know everything a man should be) but certainly nobody could deny that masculinity is important.

  8. I care about manifesting the best archetypal qualities associated with the masculine principle, just as I care about the qualities associated with the feminine principle.

    Men have to learn from women and vice-versa, only through this attitude can men & women understand each other and live peacefully together.

    In the past, contrary to what feminists believe, men & women didn’t live very different lives, my ancestors from today up to the 16th century were all fishermen, merchants and peasants, and both the men and the women had identical lives, living together, and working together from dawn till dusk.

    Instead, most of what we’re sold nowadays in mass medias and social platforms are attempts to divide us further apart, especially feminism.

  9. I just am. Wife is also very feminine. I have all boys, they grew up very masculine. I believe it just feeds on itself, especially since there are a lot good things that come from it.

  10. Everyone cares to a certain extent and some people more than others. Guys that don’t match with the cultural norms for masculinity are probably going to care more about it.

  11. Of course. Masculinity has a lot of great features to it. Unfortunately, it is being painted by almost exclusively negative light. Its also important for me to be perceived as masculine

  12. I don’t know what you define as masculinity. I am me, and I do my everyday stuff. Some of them include stuff that only men do. That’s enough for me to feel like a man.

  13. You’re asking the wrong question. It’s about being the best “you” that you can. If you’re a nurturing male who wants to teach 5 year olds the building blocks of education then max out your nurturing nature. If you’ve got mental endurance that allows you to rig to support your family do that. You can still be masculine and do both.

  14. Worrying about being masculine is one of the least masculine things you can do. Be confident in who you are and don’t give a shit how others define you.

  15. Hmmm I wouldn’t define it personally as masculine I really enjoy lifting weights working out trying to stay in a healthy state. Does that mean I care about being masculine or does it mean I like to be healthy and at my strongest? Also my wife is the exact same and enjoys working out and running so would that also mean she is being masculine?

  16. I enjoy being masculine in a physical sense because it’s attractive.
    The other definitions, terms, traits of masculinity are all debatable.

  17. Yes, because I strive to better at the aspects that make me who I am. I strive to better at the the things that I do and I enjoy expressing myself in various ways, most or all of which are extensions of masculinity.

  18. Depends on the situation:

    When with my friends? No

    When in a party? No

    When doing almost anything? No

    When I’m playing tennis against someone? Absofuckinglutely

  19. No, not really. I don’t mind being perceived as masculine, but it’s not something I intentionally or explicitly strive to be.

  20. Yeah, because I think that masculinity matters. I don’t think it’s healthy for men to be too feminine, just like I don’t think it’s healthy for women to be masculine.

  21. It’s your birthright to stand up and pee, it’s fun to be a guy… don’t diminish it lean into it. Introspection is ok but so is flexing your muscles and being cock strong. You don’t have to be masculine you can do whatever with your manhood but I loved the feeling of being wild and free and indestructible when I was a young man… I love being a man

  22. i feel like the kind of dudes who care about being masculine wouldn’t be the type to admit they consciously do things that would be associated with masculinity. as for me i’m comfortable enough in my own masculinity to lean into my “fruitier” side lol.

  23. I am who I am.

    I have a pink bike that I bike my children to school on. My cousin tried to shame me for that. And I thought “Huh, why would you give a shit about what strangers think about the color of your bike?”

    Masculinity isn’t a set of rules that you follow to the letter.

    It’s the strength to follow what you think is right.

  24. No, I care about being myself. Whether I am perceived masculine or not doesn’t change the fact that I am a man.

  25. I’m not pretending to be something I’m not but I’m not going to wear highwaters with penny loafers and rainbow socks just because looking like a queer eye contestant is in style. For some reason being a man is toxic now, and we have to explain and apologize for it. Fuck that

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